Chapter 2

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We finally got to school and parked in the parking lot. Simon got out of the car. I still stayed in my seat and starred at the school, wondering what horrors would await for me. I hear a tap at the window. I knew it was Simon, he knows I hated going to school. I got out slowly. Simon and I aren’t speaking. We walked to school and I could already see it was going to be a bad day. The people in my school are complete lunatics. I almost got trampled by the football team while they were running to see who was the fastest. They never got in trouble because football is the only good sport and the coach scares the teachers if they give them detention. I try to make it to my homeroom through the mad house, but unfortunately I am not that lucky. I get picked up by the hood of my sweatshirt and get thrown to the ground. My backpack is taken away from me and the books I was carrying get flung. I look up to see who did that and I find Jenny’s boyfriend: Mark, captain of the football team. Oh great, I thought. “What do you want Mark?” I said while I stand up.

“Why did you try to pick a fight with my girlfriend?” He asked.

“I didn’t. She picked a fight with me.”

“That’s not what I heard.”

“Ok. Then what did you hear.”

“You went all psychotic about nothing and attack my girlfriend.”

“Ha! Wow! And you actually believe that. You will actually believe anything. That’s not really the truth. It wasn’t nothing that caused me to ‘attack’ her. She called my brother stupid and he’s not he just has a problem with school. Now let me go to my homeroom meathead.”  I try to go past him, but he stays in front of me. “What did you just call me?”

“Meathead. Now Move.”

"I don't think so. Your coming with me." He grabs me by the hood again and drags me to the Janitors closet. He opens the door and throws me in. I hit the wall hard and Mark closes the door. I get up and try to open the door, that Meathead locked it! "Help, someone anyone! Please Help!" I hear laughing outside the door. Then a voice says "That better be the last time you mess with me."  It was Jenny.

"Jenny, when I get out of here I'll-"

"You'll what. You can't do anything to me. I control the school, and you just a shy little girl with only one friend. No one cares about you know. You're just another pain in the side. No one even likes you." The only probably with that was she was right. I don't have very many friend. No one does care. She right about everything. Now I didn't want to come out of that closet. I curled right up in a ball and cried. 

       It seemed like hours before anyone found me. The person that found me was the janitor. I didn't know his name, but he is a familiar face. "Hey," He said. "What are you doing in  here? Don't you know that your suppose to be in class."

"Yes Sir. You see I got stuck in here by Mark the football captain." 

"Oh I see. Why did you get put in here?"

"I tried to make my way through the crowded hallway and Mark had asked me about a thing that happened on the bus between me and his girlfriend. Then things took a turn and they locked me in here."

"Oh ok. It's 9:30 so you better head to class."

"Ok. Thank you." I start walking by him to get to my class. 

"Oh yeah," I turn around. "Don't let me catch you in my closet again or you in big trouble."

"Ok. You won't hopefully." I start walking away. My class at 9:30 was Math. Great. I thought. My math teacher is the meanest teacher in school. I don't get along with her. She says I'm to quiet and need to participate more in class. I walk into the classroom and she stops talking. Great now all of the attention is on me. "Your late." She says in her annoying high pitched voice. 

"Sorry. I got stuck."

"See me after class. Now get to your seat, Rachel." A sound of disgusted came when she said my name, but I didn't care I hated her to. I sat down in my seat and open my book. I feel a tap on my shoulder, I looked to see who it was. It was Simon. "Hey, where were you?"

"Locked in the janitor's closet."


"I'll tell you at lunch."

"Ok." And I went to my work. I really wasn't happy about how today was going. I usually don't get locked in a janitor's closet, but there is always a first. After that it went really fast until lunch. Simon and I met up and I told him everything that happened. "Wow. Mark really did that to you?"


"And nobody tried to stop him"


"Oh If I had been there he would have had a piece of my mind."

"And then what? You would've been put in the janitors closet with me." 

"I wouldn't of cared."

"I know. I know. Let's just stop talking about it." And with that we did. Actually we didn't talk at all after that. Lunch was silent between the two of us, while the rest of the people in our lunch were as loud as always. Classes went fast, and I'm glad they did. It was the end of the day and I decided to walk home. It would be a long walk, but I didn't care I just did want to on the bus. I also wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I texted my mom saying I was walking home. She asked why and I told her I'd tell her later. My walk was long and I liked it. I got to see a lot of nature because my house was near some woods area. I walked near them some trees and I heard some rustling in the woods. That was strange knowing no one lived near me, I lived in the middle of nowhere. I decided to put my bags down in a tree that I knew was hollow, and I decided to check out who was in the woods.

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