Chapter 6

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We watched as they drove away both of us confused. Starred after the ambulance and Estella said "What the heck just happened?" I turned around to look at her.

 "You don't know?" I asked with a confused look.


 "Wow. So you did do that?"

 "No I didn't. I think you did that."

 "What?!" I said "No I could've done that I am completely average. I don't have powers."

 "Well, you could have." She said

 "I don't think so."

 "I think we should ask Siobhan.”

 "Siobhan is the old woman right?"


 "Ok let's go." We got in her car and she drove to the woods. She parked her car on the side of the road, out of the way. We got out, there were no cars coming. So we walked into the woods. I was a little weary about going into the woods, because of what happened last time I saw the old woman. She did something to me and I want to know what it was. We walked for a little bit. This was taking longer than last time I went to see her, but last time I was running so that could have been the problem. We finally got to Siobhan’s place. I stopped. Last time I went in here I snuck in and she did something to me and I don’t know what it was. “It’s going to be ok.” Estella say

“How are you sure?” I ask

“I just know.”

“I don’t want things to go the way they did last time.”

“They won’t. Trust me.”

“I’ll try.”

We walked in Siobhan’s lair. It was still as dreary as I remember it being. We reached the end of the cave and there was Siobhan looking as if she’d been excepting us.

“Hello Master.” Estella said

 "Estella, Hello. I see you've brought the girl, this time."  Siobhan looked at me, I could tell that she wasn't too happy.

"Yes Master." Estella said. "There is something we need to ask you."

"And what would that be dearie?" Estella was a little nervous before speaking. Like if she said something bad something bad would happen to her. I'd have to ask her about that later. But for right now we had to find out what was going on.

"What do you want to ask I don't have all day I am very busy." She said with a hint of anger.

"What did you do to Rachael after she snuck in here?"

"What do you mean?"

"After you caught Rachael and asked her your questions."

" I didn't do anything. I try to scared her a little bit and I sent her somewhere else in the woods. That was it."

"No there had to be more."

"There isn't though. Why are you asking me this?"

"Because there was an incident where her best friend got hurt and she healed him enough so he wouldn't die."

"Strange. That was my doing. I don't have the magic to make someone else have magic. So whether someone else did this or you were born with it."

"What?!" I exclaimed. This can't be happening.

"Well," said Estella "That could be possible. We never know. How can we tell if she was born with it or not?"

"Well there is one thing," Siobhan said walking toward me "Is your mother or father weird in anyway?" She asked

"My mom no she is just like a regular person. My dad I never knew him."

"Interesting. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes one brother, but I have seen him in years."

"Older or younger?"


"When you did see him did he act a little strange?" I had to think the last time I seen him I was seven. He was packing his things in his room. I had walked in. He was mumbling something but I could make out what it was. “Chase?” I asked. He looked over at me.

“Hey Ra.” He said. “I have to tell you something.” He picked me up and put me on his bed and he sat down with me. “I’m leaving, Rachael.” He told me. I stared at him with confusion.

“How long will you be gone?” I asked. He laughed a little, but not a funny laugh, a sad one.

“I’m not coming back.”

“What?! Why?” Tears started forming in my eyes.

“It’s complicated.”

“Complicated that you won’t tell your own sister.” I was about to get up and run out of the room, but he grabbed my arm and said

“Rachael, this is for the best. I don’t belong here.”

“You do belong here Chase.”

“No I don’t. Look Rachael I can do things that other people can’t.” he looked so sad, like he didn’t want to go, but he was getting forced to.

“And what would that be.”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

“I just can’t.” I got up off the bed and faced him.

“Fine. Don’t tell me. What happened to we could always trust each other. You know what, leave. I don’t care. You’ve kept secrets and you’ve been very distant. It’s like I don’t know who you are. You spend your time in here. And I keep hearing things coming from in here. I have said anything or ask, but I am getting sick of it. So leave, whatever, I don’t care. It’s not like that doesn’t happen anyway since I never get to see you anymore. Your now pretty much out of my life. So you can go. It’s not like it anything new. So you can get out.” I ran out of the room. Chase never stopped me. I ran into my room and jumped into my bed and started crying. I cried until I fell asleep.

I was having an interesting dream. I dreamt that I could fly and I flew away from everything that ever bothered me. I flew the whole entire dream it was amazing and then I feel someone shaking me. I wake up and I see my mom. She looked as if she was crying. “Mom,” I say. “What’s wrong?”

“Your brother’s gone.”


“Chase left.” I sat the on my bed and regretted everything I told him. I began to cry again. My mom started comforting me.

“I didn’t even say goodbye.”

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