You Moron

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Y/n's POV

I groaned, holding my pounding head standing up from my spot on the couch. Gina raised an eyebrow looking in my direction.

"Hangover?" I rolled my eyes waving her off as flashes of the memories came back into mind.

~Flash Back~

"Let's break out the tequila now!" Travis grinned raising up his already filled shot glass. I rolled my eyes as Katelyn filled my glass all the way to the top before I had to stop her.

Gina sighed standing from her spot on the bar stool. "Now, I will be the responsible one for once in my life and not drink even though it's killing me. Good night guys!" I laughed watching as Gina made her way up the stairs her stomach only just beginning to show through her sweater. I looked back to Zane seeing him refuse the offer of another shot.

"How long far is Gina?" I asked, getting Zane's attention. He shrugged swirling the condense in his near empty glass.

"Two maybe three months. Why?" I returned the shrug taking a large sip of my drink.

"She's beginning to show is all," KC squealed looking to Zane.

"That means that in six months Zane-Kun and Gina~Chan will be parent's and there will be a little emo baby to dress up! Kawaii~Chan is so happy!" Zane rolled his eyes drinking the rest of his shot before standing from his spot.

"First off Kawaii~Chan the baby may not even look like me and second there is no way you are dressing Gina's kid," I stayed silent as everyone else raised an eyebrow towards the black haired man in the room.

"What do you me by it not looking like you?" Garroth questioned followed by Aph's voice,

"Why is it just Gina's kid?" Zane began to stumble on his words, before I cut him off before he made things worse.

"He didn't mean it like that you guys, He means that the baby may take after Gina more and that the baby isn't just his it's also Gina's. Besides he's buzzed and it's nearly midnight,"

"Uh...Y..Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. I'm goanna go check on Gina,"

With that said, Zane ran run the stairs avoiding any more questions. I cleared my throat looking up back at the group, I pushed my glass crossed the table pointing to Katelyn lazily.

"Fill 'er up Bat Man!" I slurred, causing the group to laugh.

"Right away Robin!" She smirked filling the glass once more.

~End Of Flash Back~

I rubbed my eye trying to escape the drowsiness of last night. I grabbed a glass filling it up with water. Gina came in the kitchen leaning against the counter top, her arms crossed trying to pull off a bad boy look. I turned off the water, taking a sip from the glass looking to the brunette.

"I like the new addition you got there," I raised an eyebrow giving Gina the message to continue. "The little purple patches on your neck, you're suppose to hide those," My eyes widened as I place my glass n the island running to the downstairs bathroom, Gina following close behind.

I looked in the mirror and sure enough there were small but very noticeable hicky marks on my neck. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as Gina leaned against the door frame.

"Here, I'll help you make it less noticeable," I looked to Gina as she closed the door locking it with her free hand as her other held a small makeup bag.

She turned to me, motioning for me to sit on the toilet. I did as 'told' as she sat across from me on the edge of the tub, dumping the contents of the bag on the tile floor. She picked up a bottle of s/c  colored goop along with a small sponge.

I raised an eyebrow as she wiped some of said goop on my neck rubbing it in with the sponge.

"Why exactly do you have my color of foundation?" I asked, as Gina only laughed.

"I knew this day would come, besides I'm practicing to be a mom,"

"Your preparing to cover up your own kids hickys?" I asked, Gina rolled her eyes hitting me on the head.

"No! When I was little Katelyn said Mom always was somehow prepared for anything, so I want to be like that," I made a 'o' with my lips as understanding hit, but then came the next question as Gina brought out a new powder, the same shade as the goo.

"How come you know how to do this?" Gina smiled another small giggle escaped her lips.

"How do you think I got pregnant you dope," I scrunched up my nose as Gina placed all her make up supplies away in her bag.


"You asked," I rolled my eyes, helping Gina to place away all the stuff before standing and looking in the mirror to see that the were almost gone. "I know, I know I'm the best friend you could have asked for, now take the bag and go help Garroth with his little love bites," I turned seeing Gina at the door holding her bag out. I rasied an eyebrow at her as she laughed.

"You don't remember anything do you?" I shook my head as she laughed once more. "Well, right after everyone went to bed, you and him ha this little make out session, well at least from what I saw, I only saw a little bit of it when I went back to bed,"

"Why were you watching?" I asked as Gina shook her head.

"I wasn't trying to! You try being pregnant! You always have to pee and eat! It isn't fun. But now that I think of it... that very little part I saw was rather steamy~" I scrunched up my nose pushing past Gina shaking my head back and fourth my face heating up more and more.

"EW, ew, ew, ew,ew, ew, ew,ew,ew,ew,ew,ew!" Gina laughed as I walked back and fourth down the hall chanting the same phrase over and over again.

Suddenly said Blonde was walking down the stairs in his boxers multiple purple marks on both his neck and collar bone, only making my face heat up even more.

"Garroth you Moron!"

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