A Break

439 19 11

Sorry about the randomness in the last chapter! I didn't really have an Idea! And also I apologize ahead of time for the placing of this chapter!

Y/n's POV

"Oh! Y/n  don't worry you look great!" I sighed, looking to Gina's reflection, then back to mine. I lifted one of my hands up to my cheek, before grazing the light bruise. Surprisingly that was the only one I had gotten.

"Yeah, but...doesn't it make me look... I don't know, ugh?" I stuck my tong out to exaggerate making Gina laugh, walking over to my side. She gave me a small side hug, before turning me to face her.

She gave a warm smile, before pushing my hair back behind my ear along with a flower. She laughed, taking my shoulders gently.

"You do realize no matter how 'ugh' you look makes the group and I love you any less right?" I gave her small smile, before nodding.

"Yeah, but," I looked back into the mirror, scrunching up my nose.

"But what about Garroth? He wouldn't care. He loves you~ Remember?" My eyes widened, as I chased Gina out of the bathroom, and around our shared room.

"You know me and him aren't a thing!" I hollered, as Gina ran out the door, Me on her tail.

"Not yet~" She sang, as she ducked behind Zane, who was admiring a toy horsie in a vending machine.

"What are you two doing?" He asked, as I tried to get to the brunette behind him.

"Y/n doesn't want to embrace the fact that her and Garroth are goanna fall in love~"

"Gina zip it!" I reached for her arm, but she ran over to main deck of the ship.

"And then they goanna kiss!" I growled under my breath as Gina ran off into the crowed of people.

"And then get married!" I turned on my heal, seeing the blue eyed girl a few feet behind me, a dumb smirk on her lips. I went to go grab her, but she just ran once again.

"Coward get back here!" I screamed, making Gina laugh.

"And then they are goanna have babies!" She suddenly stopped, before stepping to the side, I raised an eyebrow, before falling on top of Blondey himself. I felt blood rush to my cheeks, as my nose scrunched up against his.

"Uh...he...hey Y/n," Garroth spoke, causing me bit my lip before backing away, still sitting on him as his arms supported his upper half.

"Sorry," I whispered, taking a strand of my hair before twirling it in between my fingers.

"OO~ Looks likes the babies are coming sooner than I thought!" Gina squealed, making my cheeks puff up, and a few tick marks appear.  A nervous chuckle came from Garroth as my grip tightened on his shirt.

I growled, stumbling to get up from my spot on the floor, resuming to chase after Gina. She yelped out noticing me and began to run away. We ran around until the boat came to a stop, and the steps to the dock were in place.

Running through the crowd of people, Gina led me off the boat her arms in the air as she ran.

"Y/n! Gina! Slow down!" Gina and I both slowed to a stop, turning to meet our large group of friends.

"What is with you two today? You're acting like five year olds on a sugar high," Dante spoke, a small laugh escaping his lips. I just gave a shrug as the rest of the group got caught up.

"Well...now what?" I asked, hearing Gina sigh before draping an arm over my shoulders lazily.

"I'm tired~" She whined out making me laugh.

"Well I wonder why? You didn't just run around the ship for an hour or anything like that," Zane mused, crossing his arms in delight as Gina's face puffed up.

"No! It's because of some weird pregnant thing ya dummy!"

"Nuh uh stupid!"

"Yeah uh! Idiot!"

"Nuh uh dork!"

"Yeah uh! Mango Squash!"

"Oh look we're here!" I yelled, ending the feud between the two. Gina sighed, placing her head in her hands. "What's wrong?" I asked, causing her to take a glance up to me.

"Nothing I'm just a lazy writer," Was her answer before running into the condo and running up the stairs to find a bed to sleep in.

I raised an eyebrow shaking her response off as just another one of her random sentences. I began to follow the others in to the condo, watching as everyone made themselves at home.

"Zane!" My attention was shot back to the steps watching as Gina came running down, screaming in her hands, as she ran into Zane's chest.

"Gina! What's wrong!" I questioned, running to the two placing a hand on Gina's back.

"I  just realized that I've never Netflix and Chilled before!"

I sighed.

"This will be a long~ vacation,"

Childhood Dreamers (Garroth x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon