A strange invitation

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After everything that happened, Nicole was more than ready to wake up from the nightmare that was her day, but it sadly never happened. She grumpily sat in her classroom, waiting with the other immortals for the bell to ring and release them all from the boring restrictions of their class. See, the school had a flawed but somewhat effective system to deal with immortals who have been through high school more than once. To start, after an immortal has gone through a full year of high school they are transferred over to a classroom that is no longer used to spend their day waiting and finding ways to entertain themselves without disturbing the humans that are supposed to be learning. This is a good idea, in theory, take all of the bored immortals and separate them from the humans so that classes are not disturbed and humans are not harmed or impregnated by immortals that are looking to pass the time somehow, but, despite the school adding in an immortals version P.E that lasts three hours, a two hour class covering things like immortal evolution and genetics, and a free period for the rest of the time, immortals were still left bored and in search of entertainment.

Nicole got to witness this when she returned to her class, which was full of different types of immortals, all of which were sitting round in clusters on the carpeted floor of the classroom gossiping, chatting on the phone or their other electronics, or whatever else the teacher would not call them out on. In no mood for conversation, the chubby succubus just stuck to the wall and sat in a corner, watching the others go about their time with their own activities, but one of the students struck her as odd. Across the room, sitting in one of the armchairs that were pushed into the middle of the room by some other students was a boy with skin that was between the normal color of skin and a kitchen tile, he had dark brown hair that was somewhat shaggy and fell over his familiar green eyes. It was the same guy from that morning, and he was glaring at her once again.

The girl returned the evil look before the boy stood up and walked over, plopping down next to her. 
          "what are you doing?" She asked, her suspicion and discomfort dancing in her stomach as she got ready to move away from him if he made a move, but the brunette just eyed her, 
           "Why were you feeding on my brother this morning?" He asked bluntly while his eyes burned into Nicole with accusatory hatred, Nicole shrank back a bit at the mention of her feeding but recovered quickly,
           "Who was your brother?" 
           "The fucking blind boy you bird brain." He snapped meanly, the venomous look in his eyes seeming to intensify as if she had just done something unforgivable. Nicole seethed and huffed, 
           "I was fucking hungry, sorry that my natural needs happened to fall upon your brother, what do you want me to do? Barf it back up for him?" She snapped, barring her teeth before scratching at the small horns on her head once more as she spoke, 
            "No, but now he has some sort of crush on you and I want you to reverse it," 
            "What? do you seriously think I can control how men feel about me? dude, grow up, if your brother is crushing on me that's his own fault, all I did was feed on the arousal he was giving off at the time." Nicole said, giving her companion a confused look, but he didn't buy that she really didn't understand and just huffed, 
             "Yeah right you lying whore, you just want to use him as easy fucking food, but I won't let you, so either release him from your magical spell or something, or I will tell the teacher that you are using inappropriate actions to feed on school." He warned as if that was some sort of dire threat that should've scared Nicole.

Good lord, this boy has no clue what succubi can do, Nicole thought, rolling her eyes at...Christien? Yeah, she remembered that his name was Christien. 
          "Listen, I don't know what conspiracy you've been fed, but I have no hypnotic powers, all I can do is talk people into sleeping with me, that's it. What you are most likely thinking of is a vampire." She pointed out coolly, ignoring the dirty look that Christien gave her, but without another actual word he got up and moved away from her, grumbling to himself darkly as he plopped back down in a chair. 

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