Dear World...

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I am...

just like you...

the straight A student and the kid scraping a 2.0...

the outgoing, jack-of-all-trades and I'm the beanie-low antisocial...

the typical flute playing band geek and the guitar/ukulele wielding rebel...

my own worst enemy and knight-in-shining-armor...

'one of the guys' and 'the girlfriend'. . .

the wifey and the one night stand...

the mainstream rap/pop blaring Millennial and the underground, indie-bopping hipster...

#nofilter and I'm a dog, a bunny and throw up rainbows...

the Percy Jackson/ Miss Peregrine's fangirl and the Shakespeare/ Edgar Allan Poe intellectual...

the comic book reading Avenger movie fan and the Food Inc. vegan activist...

the crocheting, show-bingeing homebody and the partying wild child...

The girl who thinks too much of someone and too little of myself...

the 'scrambling for a charger because in the midst of replying, I didn't notice my phone's near death'...

the 'sitting up all night waiting for that 'one message' and when my phone dies, I envy it'...

the skin-bearing, half-dressed fashionista and the wrists-covered hoodie wearer...

#blessed and #fml...

the wake up with the passion of a thousand burning suns optimist and the chest-like-lead, dread getting out of bed pessimist

the strong, independent woman and 'So and so's girlfriend'...

the sole object of her affections and his 'side chick'.....

woke af and 'There was another school shooting?!'...

a proud American and the angry child of a first generation and a dreamer...

the girl with no regrets and plagued by my selfish mistakes...

believe in everything and doubt everyone, including myself...

the empathetic heartbreak veteran and the stone-cold necked cynic...

a Betty and Jughead kind of love and a Kevin Keller's forever alone...

the spontaneous 'chop-off-all-my-hair' and the 'same haircut since I was 12'....

messy hair don't care and wake up two hours early for flawless curls...

17 years young and an old soul...

the second oldest and the red-headed stepchild...

the golden girl and the black sheep...

I am me, the best way I possibly know how to be....

not perfect but in vain, I try to be...

just like you...

deserving of love, the unconditional kind...

unsure if I'll ever find it...

afraid that maybe I already did and pushed them away...


I am hopeful....

Hope is...

the crack under the door filled with light in this cold, dark room.

the compliment, the smile when I thought no one could or would EVER like me.

the kids in Parkland, Florida and the dreamers.

the Women's March and the #Time'sUp Movement.

Zendaya playing Mary Jane and school lunch reform.

Barry and Iris and Cisco FINALLY getting the girl.

South Korea and North Korea marching in together at the Olympics.

Adam Rippon and Gus Kenworthy.

movies like Love, Simon that show how we are all just people that love other people. How dare we put love in a box of gender and deny people that experience. We ALL deserve a great love story. One that WE get to write.



Dear World... for the #Love,Simon ContestWhere stories live. Discover now