1.Want Fries With That?

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Emily POV.

I was walking back from school. The sun was shining, the birds singing their melodies. What could go wrong? Turns out, a lot.

I heard the knife before I saw it. I heard the bullets before I saw them. I heard the axe before it swung. Me being amazing though, sprung into action. I front flipped, dodging the bullet. Then, I grabbed my shield, deflecting the knife, then shot with my sniper, firing the axe from the air. I lifted up my foot, kicked one of the men down with my violet high heels. Then, I chucked one shoe at a man with deadly accuracy, before flipping the last man over and breaking his arm. I sliced his head of with a sword. I raced over to the man I'd first knocked out and forced my other heel down his throat. I went over to the last man, who was stirring, and shot three bullets. He died pretty quickly. I slipped on my combat boots and darted home. I swear, I don't live in a mental asylum.

"Lollipop to Gummy Bear, over!" I heard through my earpiece. I sighed. This was pretty stupid. "Gummy Bear to Lollipop, over." I heard a high pitched giggle. "Meet us at 39506 base, over."

I quickly unlocked my door, relocked it, then darted to the elevators. I pressed the number 3, the 9,4,5. I plummeted down, below the ground floor, and lurched forward. "Identity?" Queried a metallic, robotic voice. "Gummy Bear, code name Shadow Winter. Agent Cunning. General. Assassin. Traitor." I listed. The robotic voice hummed softly, opening titanium doors. I typed a code in to the following door and slipped through the door on my left. There was four doors. You had to pick the right one or you get banned and escorted out. "Lollipop!"
"Gummy Bear."
"I missed you."
"You are an assassin." Lollipop, AKA Agent Mortoce, straightened up. His hair was perfectly gelled, as always, and his leather jacket went over his belt, which I knew had a throwing knife, a sword, a pistol,and a sniper. As an assassin, particularly the level of Mortoce, you can never be too careful. I laughed. "Always a charmer, Lollipop."
"Never a charmer, Emily. Anyway, I need you to go to these coordinates and assassinate Mr Billoo, a guy crazy into tech."
"Clearly, Mr Billoo needs a better surname!" I spluttered out.
"You, sir, need a sense of humour!"
"EMILY LILLIAN ELLIE TALULA ZOË BAKER, SHUT UP FOR ONCE IN YOUR SAD, SHORT LIFE!" Mortoce yelled, grip tightening on his sharp dagger. "Never should've told you my full name!" I hissed. Mortoce glared. "You are to capture Mr Billoo or kill him. He cheats every customer and worker. Out of money. Then you shall kill every worker."
"Harsh, much?" I joked, but shut up from the withering glare he sent me.

I recoiled before sighing. "Fine. But don't expect me t-"
"I wasn't." Lollipop replied shortly.
"Fine!" I took a Chupa Chupa off his desk and ordered pizza.
"You'd think a high levelled assassin would eat something more dignified.." I mused. " Yes, I want fries! "

(A/N Thank you so much. Anyway, this is part one. -HunteratHogwarts )

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