Chapter 13

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Jackson burst through the door growling. Rage filled him as he saw Lydia unconscious in Scott's arms. The alpha could see the anger on his beta's face. He dropped his victim, as soon as Jackson looked down at her Scott attacked and shoved the other werewolf hard against the wall. He needed to get out of there, he needed to think and plan.

Jackson just spared a quick glance at the door where the asshole escaped. His concern was for Lydia. Her neck was still bleeding, and he didn't know what to do. She wouldn't wake up; he wiped the tears from his face and picked her up. There was only one place to go, the hospital. He really hoped that Melissa McCall wasn't there as he really didn't want to face her when this was all her son's fault. Jackson couldn't wait to get his hands on that coward. First, he needed to make sure Lydia was going to be okay. What was going to happen when she became a werewolf, there was no doubt she would survive. Lydia Martin was a whirlwind as a human, as one of them she'd be... he couldn't think of a word that could describe her in this state.


Jackson walked out of the hospital and took a deep breath. He answered the questions he could. He explained how he'd found her like that in the veterinary clinic, keeping it as close to the truth as he could that way it would be easier to remember. The hospital believed it was an animal attack and in a way they were correct. It was an animal he desperately wanted to put down.

When Melissa arrived, he wasn't in the right frame of mind to talk to her without telling her everything. As soon as she headed his way he made the fastest exit he could, using his usual human speed. There was only one place he could go now, and that was to the Hale's. He had to tell them what was going on.


Stiles opened the door and stared at the visitor, Jackson was one of the last people that he expected to see.

"Stiles can I, please talk to Alpha Hale, it's important." Jackson was desperate, he needed help. Someone needed to check on Lydia and make sure that she was going to be okay.

"Of course, come on in. She isn't home, but Talia won't be long." It was clear something was not okay; he could see the panic on his bully's face. "I'll call her and get her to come back now."

"Thank you." It might have been the first time he actually meant it.

"Come on it; let me get you a cold drink while we wait." Jackson just nodded and followed him into the kitchen.

Stiles reached into his pocket, pulled out his cell and dialled.


Scott stopped his motorbike and climbed off. He took a deep breath. Once Lydia became a werewolf she would see how great it was. How lucky she was to have him as an alpha, things would change for the better. Jackson would forgive him because he and Lydia would have more in common. It would strengthen their relationship. He was an amazing alpha and was only doing it to help them, well that was if she changed and didn't die. If that happened, he would have to deal with it. Scott could feel the panic start to bubble up and rise to the surface. He needed help. Deaton would have too much deal with what happened in his clinic.

The sheriff wouldn't understand. He would later, but not now. There was only one person he could call. They had the experience to deal with this kind of thing. It would also show the trust he had in the older man. He grabbed his cell and called Gerard. This was something that had to be done face to face.


Gerard sat and waited patiently in the woods. What had the McCall boy so spooked? It did show that everything was going the way he planned. This kid was a resource they would make use off and then discard when finished. He glanced down at his watched and sighed, tardy people were a pet peeve of his. Scott may be a monster, but there was no reason to be late for appointments. Just then he heard a bike coming towards him. Now he'll find out what's going on and how he could use it to his advantage.

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