Chapter 10: Ice Skating

Start from the beginning

When I get there, Lucas and Will are waiting at the door.

"Hey, Dustin and Y/N should be here any second-" Lucas starts.

"Dustin Henderson at your service m'lady." Dustin says loudly in Lucas' ear.

"Dude!" Lucas flicks Dustin's forehead. "What the hell!"

Dustin laughs as he rubs his head.

"Um, what'd I miss?" Y/N laughs as she hops off her bike.

I do my best to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. 

"A sissy fight, let's go." Will suggests.

We all walk in and rent our skates. After about fifteen minutes of Lucas and Dustin jamming each other's skates on their feet, we're ready to skate.

There's a total of two people other than us on the ice. I love ice skating. Every year my mom takes my family, and I reteach myself every time I go. After a little while, I remember the basics. We're all  pretty good at it. (Pretty. Pretty good.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm sorry I'll go, I know after that season two ending it's still too early to hit you with mileven depression) 

It's going pretty great until they play the Ghost busters theme on the speaker. Now it's going awesome. Me and the boys are laughing, slipping, sliding, and dancing along to the song, while Y/N is too busy laughing at us to do anything else. The other two on the ice had left ages ago. We're all alone. I guess everyone's too busy to ice skate except us. I'm not complaining. I guess it's awesome song day at the rink. They play so many of my favorite songs. We're all acting like morons and like we own the place. 

(A/N:( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

Everything is great until an announcement comes on over the speakers.

"We are very sorry to say that today we must close early in order to prepare for a predicted storm. All are advised to seek shelter immediately." 

"Of course." I grumble.

"We should probably get going then." Y/N says sadly.

"I mean, we don't have to stop hanging out." says Dustin, as if he were thinking of a plan.

"Uh, yeah, we kind of do. 'All are advised to seek shelter immediately.'" I say.

"Well yeah, but shelter doesn't necessarily mean our houses. We could just go to one of our houses before the storm starts. We'll be snowed in together. That way the it'll be bearable." says Dustin matter-of-factly.

"Sounds like a plan, but whose house?" asks Will.

"Mine, my parents are out until Monday." I say brightly.

"Awesome. Let's go home, ask our parents, and come back with our crap." says Dustin.

We all run outside and start riding to our houses. 

"Radio if you can't come." I say.

"Wait, Y/N doesn't have a walkie yet. How'll you let us know if you can't come?" asks Will.

"I can, my parents are out of town too." she says, raising her eyebrows at her good luck.

"Alright. My place as soon as possible." I call to them before turning toward my street. "Bring storm survival necessities!"

"Like what?" Y/N asks. 

"I don't know, it just felt appropriate to say." I shrug.


Lucas is the first to arrive. I haven't gotten any radio calls yet, so I'm assuming everyone can make it. Next is Will. Then comes Y/N, and Dustin is last.

"Awesome, everyone made it." I say, welcoming Dustin in.

"Told you man, a plan of a genius mind never fails." Dustin boasts.

"Sure." Y/N snorts.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Lucas asks.

I shrug. "Just pick a tape for TV in the basement." (A/N: Remember young grasshopper's it's the 80's)

"Alright." Will says as he follows the others down the stairs.

"Who cares about that, what's for dinner?" asks Dustin, staying behind.

"I'll check, you go into the basement to pick out a movie with the others." I say.

"Pick something good dude." Dustin threatens as he descends into the basement with the others.

After searching everywhere, I come to a decision to let the others pick between what's in the house.

I climb the stairs, running through the options of what to eat in my head.

"Okay guys," I say, cutting off an argument on which move we should watch. "It's either pasta, pizza, burgers, or grilled cheese."

"Depends, what sauce you got for the pasta?" Dustin asks.

"Vodka, red, alfredo, or pesto." I say, hoping I remembered correctly.

"Alright, pasta with vodka sauce then." says Dustin.

"Do we all have to have that? Or can we choose something else?" Lucas asks.

"Whatever you want." I say.

"Awesome, I'll have a grilled cheese." Lucas says.

"Pizza." Will says.

"I guess I'll have pizza too." says Y/N.

"Okay, you guys start the movie. I'll be back with your dinner." I say.

"Really? Thanks!" says Will happily. (A/N: My smol bean luvs food too <3)

"No problemo, back in a flash." I say, climbing the stairs.

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