Part 11:

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Sofia’s POV)     

I woke up right away, tears streaming down my face. I sat up in the bed and tried to reach out for Harry. He wasn’t there. I thought that I’d wake him but he was still asleep. I could hear his calm, loud breaths. I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.

“Harry?” I said while I woke him up by shaking his body.

“What is it, love?” He asked and grabbed my hands.

“I want to change it. I want to change the future.”  

“I’m so sorry, Sofia. I didn’t want to pressure you. You’re right; we should just try to make the best of the time we got left. Make our lives worth living. Maybe we should leave school and…” I interrupted him.

“No, Harry. We’re not leaving school. I’ve made up my mind. I’ll do anything to save the world.”

“What made you change your mind all of a sudden? Did you have the dream again?” I just could tell him. I didn’t allow my lips to say the words.

“Of course I had the dream again. And I want to do it because it’s the right thing to do. Have any ideas where we should start?” I asked.

“We need to talk to some experts, I guess.”

After some searches on Google, we packed our bags and started to drive. We left only leaving a note to our parents saying we wouldn’t be back in a while, that we would go on trip.

Harry’s  POV)

She fell asleep more times in the car than I could count. I knew I wouldn’t be able to wake her up so tried to focus on driving. The only time I woke her up was when I stopped so that we could grab some food.

We found this huge science-centre on internet, which had many specialists on the space and it took us six hours to get there. I stopped on a big, pretty much empty parking-lot outside a high fence. Sofia was awake.

“Are you ready?” I asked her and she nodded. I squeezed her hand and gave her a kiss before we went out of the car. We walked towards a big gate hand in hand. This was it.

We talked with a man through a speaker. He doubted us but after we said that we had some special information he hesitated but still told us to wait until someone would come and get us. After ten minutes a man came towards us.

“Go home kids.” He said. “You’ve got nothing to do here.”

“Does it look like we’re here to annoy you? We got some important information. If we can come in and talk to someone about it would be great. We won’t waste anyone’s time.” Sofia said. He noticed that Sofia was blind and then let us inside.

First we were searched through our clothes to see that we didn’t carry anything with us. They put us on a chair each in a reception. I still didn’t let go of her hand.

After about an hour a woman with a white rock, in company of two men, one of them was the one who let us inside. She didn’t introduce herself at first.

“They’re younger than I thought they would be.” The woman said, looking at the man who let us in.

Then she turned to us. “They told me that you had some kind of information concerning big rocks out in the space coming our way.”

“That’s right. You couldn’t miss it with all the telescopes you’ve got here.” Sofia said. “I’ve got information that may help you stop it.”

“I’m Doctor Hudson.” She reached out her hand to both of us. When she was going to shake Sofia’s hand she noticed. “You’re blind....” She said, she sounded a bit confused. Then she looked at me. “And you’re Harry something from that band. I knew I recognized you from somewhere. My daughter still has her room filled with posters.” She explained and I nodded. “I’ll give you ten minutes of my time. Come with me.”

We followed her and the other two into a small room. We all sat down.

“So… can you please tell me why a blind girl and a celebrity-boy know about some secret classified information? We haven’t told anybody about our discoveries.”

“I’ve seen that rock, almost as big as the moon and I know what’s going to happen to it. It’s moving towards earth, faster than you ever could have guessed. When it touch earths atmosphere something will happen. It’s going to split into a million pieces and fall over the entire northern parts of earth.” Sofia explained and Hudson looked at her with sceptical eyes.

“So you have visions? Blind persons even dream without seeing. How would it be possible for you to have visions?”

“There’s something wrong with me that not even you, a high-educated scientist can explain. My dreams are visions. I can see everything so clearly in my visions. It has always been that way.”

“Can you please prove it in some way? Have you had any dream-vision about this day?”

“That’s what I usually dream, only small visions about the next day. But now these dreams appeared instead. Let me think about it for a while.”

Sofia closed her eyes and fell deep into her thoughts. She opened them again after a minute or two.

“In a couple of minutes a man called Doctor Alan Dawson will step through that door.” Sofia pointed towards the door. “He has pretty dark, brown hair. His hair is long, all the way down to his shoulders. He got a thick beard which covers most of his face.”

“Hmm…” Hudson

thought out loud, the two men looked impressed. Yes! I thought. They were going to believe us, but what was going to happen once they knew? 

Save The World (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon