Chapter Forty Two - Friends and Foes

Start from the beginning

"Carlisle, tell me. Its' okay." I tried to smile but I was just so tired. He came closer

"The foetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour, I can't stop it and I can't slow it down. A this rate your heart will give out before I can deliver." I nodded

"Then I will hold on with everything and...."

"Jackie." He stopped me "There are some conditions that even venom can't overcome. Do you understand."


"I'm sorry." He took his leave.

"Edward, I'm sorry."

"I can't live without you."

"You won't if venom won't work Bekah or Hayley can feed me their blood. I'll die but then I'll wake up. It's happened before."

"What if that won't work either."

"Then you'll always have a piece of me. She'll need you."

"Do you honestly think I could love it or even tolerate it if it killed you."

"Yes because that's my wish. If you ever loved me you would take care of her. It's not her fault, you have to accept that."

"Because you've given me no choice!" He shouted "Jackie, we're supposed to be partners remember? But you decided this on your own, you decided to leave me."

"Don't see it that way." I pleaded

"What other way is there to see it. It will be me who loses you and I don't choose that." He left me slamming the door behind him. I started crying.

"Bekah, Hayley." Both of them sped in

"Jackie. Oh." They helped me to sit up.

"Promise me. Promise me she won't get hurt, please."

"We promise." Hayley said

"If anything happens to us. You have to take them, take the children and go. Please." I breathed "Please, please, please."



"Are you cold?" Jasper asked Bella

"I got it." Jacob muttered

"Don't do that." Jacob sighed


"Look at me like your favourite person in the world."

"You're one of them." I shifted uncomfortably before I sat up feeling like I was going to be sick. I whimpered a little before the feeling passed. I laid back down after nothing happened.

"We need to find a way to get some food into their system" Esme stated

"If I could only see the foetus."

"The baby." Rosalie corrected Alice

"...maybe I could figure out what it wants." she finished

"I think you might be right. Jacob just had an idea." Edward told us.

"It wasn't an idea, it was a snide comment."

"What were you thinking?" Carlisle wondered

"That it's proberly looking for someone to sink it's teeth into." he told us

"They're thirsty." I croaked

"I know the feeling" Emmett muttered

"If they're craving, they're not gonna want animal blood." Edward breathed

"I've got some O negative laid aside for Jackie and Bella." Emmett and Alice left while the others stayed. I sniffed and sat up I could smell it from here."

"Wait you're going to make them drink that?"

"It's the fastest way to test the theory."

"Blood, I smell it. Edward."

"Just hold on." he got up leaving my side

"Only if you're okay with it."

"I'll try anything." Bella replied to her husband

"That's disgusting." Jacob groaned. Edward took my hand and gave me the cup with a straw

"This will hopefully make it easier to swallow." I leaned down and took a sip.


"Good." I finished Bella's sentence. "Tastes really good." I took another sip

"You're pulse is already going up." Carlisle said then he came over to me. "You're too Jackie."

"It's working."

"Whoa, did you just, please tell me you saw that." Jacob freaked

"What, was it Jacob?" Jasper asked

"Jackie, I swear there were moving veins under her eyes." I looked up, puzzled

"May I?" Carlisle asked I nodded and he turned my face toward him "I don't see anything."

"They were there, they're like the others when they I don't know, vamping out." He stated

"We'll keep an eye on it." I kept sipping on the blood.

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