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Shivaay never thought he would see a day, never- when someone had the audacity to make a joke of his height instead of quivering in fright at his mere presence.

Well, he is in for a disappointment, cause Annika ain't the girl to quit.

"Fhat the wuck?!" he yelled.

She stared at his eyes with a weird look on her face, muttering words in Hindi and some other weird language that Shivaay had never come across. Michmichi? Kanji Aankon? Chinese hai? Ya Hindi?!

"Excuse me! What's that Language!?"

"Look, Bhaiya. Let it go, na, it was a mistake! I was going to send a money order to your house as soon as I get hold of some. Please don't take me wrong. I swear, I was gonna pay you back! Otherwise, I would have died of guilt and michmichi. I don't do these two rupees harkath, usually.  I even memorised your number plate! I thought I could track your house with the help of Sri Mathoor 007 (Shuunya Shuunya Seven) Computer Hackers, who work in Sumathi Maami's terrace, na? Listen," and she went on to recite the number of his newly registered vehicle, when he made her stop.

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Are you mad!?" If it had been his own buy, he would have probably let it go. But this car was his youngest brother's newest desire and Shivaay will not have the joy wiped off his brother's eyes. The fact that she made fun of his height, took a toll on his Jupiter-Size ego as well. She struck the match in the wrong gas station.

"Bhaiya, meri baath-" she started again.

"I said, shut up! I've seen a lot of you street-dwellers do this. You can't seem to take responsibility of anything! You cheap, middle-class women are usually so dry of money you trap rich men and use them. You bloody gold diggers! You thought you could just flee, without taking responsibility, not wanting to pay for your  mistakes, but I won't have any of that!"

"Look, that's not what happened. I panicked, so I fled. I promise you, I was going to honestly return-"

"Bullshit! You couldn't afford a quarter of it! Even, if you did, I doubt it would be from your pocket. Mostly some other fool's who thirst for women like you. You are one of those who take other's money for granted. Know your place in the society! Nameless disgraces like you don't know the value of money and power! Maybe if you work hard enough in life, you would learn the value of money and not be so fucking envious of those who do and maybe if your parents weren't being poor in holding back some manners, as well, to be taught-"

"Okay, thats enough!" Annika yelled for the arrogant, judgemental asshole to shut up.

They had gathered quite some audience for themselves. They both disliked being an entertaining spectacle for the obviously, seemingly  jobless, humans of Bombay. 

Shivaay took slow and calculated steps towards his prey, as she breathed heavily with fueled up rage at the random Cat-Boy.

(The word prey, has been loosely used here)

He stopped right in front of her, pulling her by her left hand, earning a gasp from Annika and their faithful, non-interrupting audience.

Why can't anyone seem to stand up for a helpless girl? she thought in vain. Most people become involuntarily spineless in front of the Business Man of the year, little did she know.

 Her front was pressed against his, as in the swift movement, the mean Munda (dude) had managed to twist her arm and wrist behind her. With heaving chests fighting their own war, Shivaay painfully tugged her wrist, and bruised it for sure, crushing it in his hold. He let go, just as Annika could hear a small cling onto the tar road (thanks to the silent viewers who daren't stand up against Shivaay Singh Oberoi).

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