Dear, Her

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Dear World,

           I'm a 17 year old girl. My name is Elizabeth and I'm 4'10". I want to become a police officer when I graduate. I love anime and I think that gay boys are just adorable. I'm just like you but, also very different as well. Many don't know that I sad and upset with who I am. I'm upset with my choices and my mind constantly rethinking things over and over about how I can change something that happened years before. I'm bisexual. Yes, I came out to my friends and parents. Only for my parents to think it's a faze or I'm just following others. That I don't know what I'm talking about. They find reasons for teasing me about it. Most days I feel like a robot. Just going through a schedule of the day. I constantly think about things that don't matter, worrying over the littlest things. I try to keep the people around me happy even if it means that I'm unhappy in the mist of it all. The constant fight of my family, never knowing when to stop. The drama between friends that can break the relationship. Then there me, never knowing how to solve the problem, never knowing what's the right thing to say. I feel the my life is one big dream. Nothing feels real anymore. I don't get excited to meet new people, I fear it. I may sound like you and I might just might be, but in the smallest ways I'm different. Just like everyone in the world, everyone might have things in common but we all have our own individuality. I try to find some relief and comfort from music, art, and writing. But then, I see others work and I start hating the once loved piece of work that I made. I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't draw, and I know I can't writing these amazing stories. But, I'll try. Just like you should too. Don't give up just because you don't like the way it turns out or have it looks. See it to the end and then you won't have any regrets. I regret not tell the one person that I ever loved, that I love her. First off, she's straight and second, she only sees me as a friend and doesn't want to date any of her friends. I want to be close to her all the time. I tried to forget my feelings but they never go away. I try to force myself to like others only to end up hurting them. So now I'm not going to try with relationships until I know I'm over her. There's more of me that I have yet to discover and I hope that it evolves wattpad and all my readers if possible.


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