Chapter Five

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Tinkerbell winced as a healer fairy tightened one of the two bandages around her wings. "Well, no severe damage, but she'll be grounded for a few days." "Thanks, doc. We'll look after her." Tink felt Iredessa and Fawn take each of her arms and began walking her home. "Tink, what were you doing looking for lost things  so far out alone?" "I wasn't along. I took Cheese along with me, but something spooked him and he ran off." She couldn't nor wouldn't tell them about Peter. After the incident with Fawn's encounter with Gruff, all of Pixie Hollow was slightly more cautious with things unfamiliar to them. Soon, her little house came into view. "You just get some rest, Tink. We have to be at the factory bright and early tomorrow." Bobble said, Clank and him having seen Tink being rushed to the healer fairies nook. "I will. Good night." Tink closed her door and heaved a sigh of relief, grateful for peace. Suddenly she heard a knock on her roof, and thinking it was Clank or Bobble staking out a watch post to keep an eye on her, she was about to scream at them to go away when she heard her visitor speak. "Psst... Tinkerbell..." Quickly she sprinted to the window and sure enough found Peter crouched down by her home. "Peter, what are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here of all places!" Peter smiled guiltily, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Tinkerbell then noticed his clothes again. 'He's not going to last long in those.' Then an idea struck her. She climbed onto his hand and motioned him to go to a certain place she been before... "Wow...this place is kinda neat... I could get used to this." Tinkerbell grabbed a stick and asked Peter to lay down. Once he did, she began dragging the stick through the dirt, making an outline of his body. When he sat up and saw her handiwork, he was curious. "What did you do that for?" " Well, if you're going to live here, you're going to need better clothes." Peter looked at his torn clothing, realizing she had a point. The sea water had left them scratchy and uncomfortable. Tink measured the distance across the outline of his chest, then his full hight. Able to put his size into a fairy equivalent, he would about a fairy foot taller than Fairy Mary. "Now I want you to stay right here until I get back, okay?" Peter nodded without arguing. He somehow knew that she was only trying to protect him. From what he didn't know, and he didn't want to find out at this point. Tinkerbell sprinted off, promising she would be back before he knew it.

A Neverland Beginningحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن