Chapter Eight

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"Hey, Tink! Wait for me!" Tinkerbell looked behind to see Peter climbing over overturned logs and rocks trying to keep up with her. She flew back to him, seeing the slight exhaustion on his face. "It must be nice to fly everywhere you go. I wish I could fly, then I could follow you, no problem." Tink smiled before she started sprinkling Pixie dust on him. Peter gazed at his arms as he felt the dust settle on his skin and send tingling sensations through his body. Tink hovered in front of his face, and pushed the corners of his mouth so he was smiling. "Think happy thoughts." Peter let his most happiest thought come to the surface, and he soon felt his feet leave the ground. He laughed as he rose higher into the air. Tink was amazed at how well he was at flying, a born natural, unlike Lizzie. She flew alongside him and showed him more of her world... "Hello, Dewy?"  A loud thud was followed by an elderly winter fairy coming from behind a stack of books. "Oh, hello girls, I wasn't expecting you warm weather fairies to come by. What can I do for you?" "We think there's a human here and we haven't seen Tinkerbell recently." Silvermist said worriedly. Dewy's face paled slightly, "Oh,my...I thought I was the only one..." "The only one for what?" Vidia asked. "You see girls, along time ago, when I was a younger fairy, I met a human child. I was surprised to learn she could understand what I spoke. I later learned after getting to know her, that her first laugh that brought me to life." "What are you saying?" Rosetta asked, confusion overtaking her face. "If there's a human here, then it must be that human is the same one who's first laugh brought to Tinkerbell to us." "So you're saying is...this human and Tink are somehow connected to eachother?" Fawn asked piecing together the story. "But that still doesn't answer how that the human got here or why he, or she, is here to begin with." Iredessa mumbled. "I wish those answers for you,but I have a feeling those answers will be revealed in time."

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