Planning The Party

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It's been a couple days since I met Ethan and I haven't been able to get him off of my mind since.  I get to work and go into my office and just as I am about to go check on my team my phone rings.  It's Ethan and he asks if he can come in and meet with me today.  He says he has some pictures and ideas and wants to talk about the party.  So I tell him sure, come on in.  We arrange to meet at 1pm and we hang up.  I go and check on my team to see if they need anything and to look at what they have so far for the other events we have coming up.  Everybody is doing great the events are all coming together wonderfully and I let them all know how happy and proud of them I was.  I let them know if they need anything that I am right here, and I head back to my office.  I am sitting at my desk looking over my ideas that I had jotted down for Ethan's party and I realize that I feel nervous and excited about seeing him again.  I look at my phone and it is 11 am, i decide to run out right quick and grab lunch for everyone again.  They are all working so hard and I want to make sure they know just how much I appreciate their hard work.  I get back and get the food in the break room and let my team know that there is food in the break room and then I head back to my office.  I look at my phone again and it is 12:45 and I feel my heart start racing.  Then I hear a light knock on my door and I look up and my heart leaps into my throat.   It's Ethan and damn he looks even better than I remember.  I say, "hello Ethan, come on in."  He says, "Hey beautiful, good to see you again." He comes in and sits down and I am just thinking, wait what did he just say?  Did he just call me beautiful?  Then I tell myself nah he is just being nice.  I shake the thoughts out of my mind and we start talking about the party.  I tell him the ideas I had and he shows me the pics he has brought and he tells me the story of how they met and some stories that he had been told about when thwy were dating and he shared with me some stories he remembered.  I keep catching him looking at me and when he was talking about his parents and how much they love each other his facial expressions made we want to hug him.  Anyway we keep talking and planning together and alot of his ideas were like he was reading my mind.  We got a plan together and we knew exactly what we were gonna do.   Then I explain to him that now comes the fun part, finding where we will do the party and making the calls to order the food, cake, decorations, and everything else we are gonna need and then watching it come together.  That's the best part of all when it's all done and you see how amazing the finished product is and how happy it makes the client.  I look up at his face and he is staring at me smiling with the smile that makes me feel like I am gonna faint.  He says to me, "You really love what you do don't you?  I mean your whole face lights up when you talk about it.  I mean youbget even more beautiful when you talk about the party coming together."  I am still looking at him and I am like wait, he just said beautiful again.  Then I hear him ask me "Hailey, are you ok?"  I shake my head and smile and say "um yeah, I'm sorry just got lost in my thoughts a second."  He smiles again and I am like OMG! Lord please me!  Then I ask him if he has any questions or any more requests.  He says, "Yes, will you give me the honor of taking you out to dinner tonight?"  I must take a while to answer because he says, "Hailey, are you in there?"  I shake myself out of shock and say to him " That's ok, you don't have to we can meet whenever to talk about the party and I will keep you posted as things come together."  He says, "what do you mean I don't have to, and it's not to talk about the party.  I want to get to know you and spend time with you, because I think you are beautiful and smart and I just want to be around you.  So please let me take you to dinner tonight."  I say, " ok, that will be good, are you sure?"   Ethan looks at me kinda sad and asks me, "you don't think I would want to be with you?  I am so confused do you not see what a beautiful person you are?"  "No", I say. "To be honest I really don't."  "That makes me sad", he says.  "I am gonna show you just how much I want to be with you tonight, I will pick you up here about 6 pm if that is ok?"  "I say, "Yes, I will be right here waiting for you."  He smiles and says, "Now that is more like it.  I am gonna leave now but I will see you in a couple hours and I can't wait!"  I stand up and walk around my desk and go to walk him out but he stops me and leans in and lightly kisses my cheek.  I totally feel like I am melting and I stutter "o, o, ok see you then."  He smiles and turns and walks out of the office.  I watch him walk away and feel like I am going to faint, I take a deep breath and think OMG, what just happened?   I agreed to go on a date with him?  Could it really be that he sees me as beautiful and wants to be with me?  I really doubt it but I guess we shall see...

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