"Jackson let go" she says

"Why would you say that"
"Say what"
"You know what you said"
And to be honest I could tell she was getting scared but something inside of me wasn't letting go of her.

"Jackson your hurting me" she says 
I pull her in so Shes close to me

"Your mine and Caden isn't allowed to have you" I say

"I am not someone you can own!" And I could tell she was getting pissed.
"Let go!" Shes yell

I immediately let  go.

"Shut it, How dare you say "your mine" I am no ones and if EVER say those words to me again, I'm done with you" She says going upstairs to her room.

"Carter!" I calls from downstairs
"I'm sorry" I calls again

What the hell did I just do. Why in the hell would I do that, The words that came out of her mouth saying I was hurting her broke my heart. I should've let go but my arm wouldn't. I'm so stupid. WHY JACKSON WHY THE HELL WOULD I DO THAT!

*Back to Carter p.o.v*

"Carter" he says banging on my room door
"I'm sorry,   I honestly don't know what got into me,   I'm sorry"

How could someone say that. Jackson doesn't own me,   And I'm am sure not in hell his,   Or at lest not now. I get up and make my way to the my door. I slowly open it but Jackson being Jackson pushes it all the way causing me to come in contact with the ground.

"Oh my gosh.. I'm so sorry" Jackson says helping me up

"Its fine" I say taking his hand

"Look Carter,   Your right I had no right to say those words,   I'm sorry..your not mine and I'm,   Not yours" He says sounding like something bad had happened

"Jackson,   I forgive you" I say and with that his face lights up and he grabs me by the waist and pulls me in and hugs me

"I'm truly sorry" he says once again

"It's ok Jackson,   Just Don't ever do that again" I say


And the rest of the night consent of us eating,talking , and watching movies specifically the twilight movies,   I made him. Once we were done watching part 1&2 of twilight we had decided to go to bed. I was walking to my room when

"Yes" I turn so I'm facing Jackson
"Can...can.. y..you sleep with me tonight" he says putting his head down.

"Um,   Jackson try sleeping alone and if you have a hard time just come to my room ok." I say

He nods and I smile.

Once I entered my room I went into the restroom. I did my business and changed into my pjs. Once I was done I opened the door and immediately saw a sleeping Jackson in my room. I smiled to myself and made my way around the bed.
Once I got to my bed I turned to lights of and pulled the covers over me leaving a little space between Jackson and I. I didn't know if he wanted his space or not so I just left a little space. While I was just thinking about life,   I fell two arm rap about my waist and pull me towards them. I turn around and see a smiling Jackson with his eyes closed sleeping. I turned back and smiled to myself once again. I didn't mind that he had me in his arms it felt nice,   I felt safe.

(Next day)

I woke up to two arms around me. I slightly smile to myself because I would have at lest thought that Jackson wouldn't let go of me by now but I was wrong. Clearly. I slowly started to move back and forth to get Jackson to wake up because he was sound asleep.

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