Fluffy Ball of Happiness

Start from the beginning

Gabriel snorted, clearly still upset by her, "That's a low blow."

"Since you're the one who made me relive all of this heartache again you owe me." Rachel told Gabriel firmly, "You're not going to tell Ethan about this, ever."

Gabriel moved forward, sitting on the edge of the couch, "You expect me to lie to Ethan?"

"Like he'd ask about me." Rachel laughed, "A pregnancy is the last thing on his mind so the topic would never come out of his mouth. You're not lying to him, you'll simply avoid the topic entirely."

The man didn't look pleased about it, but he nodded anyway. Valerie placed her hand upon her husband's knee and gave it a tight squeeze. Rachel could tell that the gesture gave Gabriel the support he needed. The man was loyal to Ethan and she knew it was the other way around as well. Right now his loyalty was a pain in her bum though. It was exhausting trying to convince Gabriel to keep his mouth shut. She figured she managed to convince him despite the lack of words.

"Then I'm going to make the arrangements. There is a lot I need to do before I can go home."

"You sure you're not running?" Valerie asked her when she was about to leave the living room.

Rachel stopped in her tracks, letting the words wash over her. She knew it could be seen as her running away from it all, but going back home had been on her mind for a while. Ethan was the one who gave her that push to go through with her plan. She didn't feel like she was running away, but if Valerie wanted to see it that way she wouldn't change her sister's mind.

"I'm not." Rachel quietly told her sister and then headed to the guest room.

She closed the door behind her and finally let out a tired sigh, all the tension left her body yet she still ached all over. She doubted it was the pregnancy, it felt more like her body being tired of it all. The fact that she already needed another spa weekend told her the environment she lived in wasn't working for her anymore. She wanted to be surrounded by positivity, her heart was telling her to go home, so she for once followed her heart instead of her mind.


Two weeks later without hearing anything from Ethan made Rachel all that more determined as she dragged her suitcase with her. The airport was crowded, everyone's voices becoming a blur while she could barely focus on Valerie who came to see her off. Valerie quickly caught up with her and linked arms with her, they quietly walked to her gate and then faced each other. Her sister wasn't happy with the decision she made, but she knew Valerie would never hold it against her. Her sister got hurt by Ethan as well. The woman believed that Ethan would make a statement by coming over and demand of Rachel to stay, that they could figure it out, but none of that happened. Ethan distanced himself from her completely, when he was done he was so done that other person didn't even exist in his eyes anymore. Ethan really tested her pride and sanity, but she managed to keep it together. She had to for her baby. She smiled when her sister pulled her into a big hug, holding her very close.

"You can always come back to stay with us, Gabriel is actually pretty upset that you're leaving."

"No doubt it's not only because of my dazzling personality."

Valerie gave her the evil eye, "You know very well that the man grew to like you."

"I'm aware Gabriel and I became friendly enough, but in the end, it's Ethan who he's really concerned about. But I'm not changing my mind about that one, the guy had plenty of opportunities to reach me, to make some sort of effort on his part. But he never once did. It's his loss, Valerie."

"I'm not taking Ethan's side." Valerie told her, looking quite disgusted by the idea, "He ruined it the minute he turned his back on you like that. I get that he's angry and wanted some space as well, but the way he handled things are beyond me."

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