"Hey, guys," Aaron greeted Ellie and Farkle. "What's wrong?" his smile disappeared.

"My girlfriend and I have problems," Farkle said.

"Ooh, yikes," Anthony said. "Good luck."

"What should I do?" Farkle asked. 

"Whatever is going on, talk to her," Aaron said.

"I tried!" Farkle said. "I'm really trying but she keeps diverting the conversation to something else."

"Oh, damn," Anthony said. "Well, I think there's one option left."

"Yeah," Aaron nodded in agreement. "Break up with her."

"What? I can't!" Farkle said.

"Why not?" Aaron asked.

"She came to our school for me," Farkle said. "I can't just break up with Smackle."

"That's a mistake," Anthony said. "I would never switch schools for someone I like."

Aaron nodded as well.

"If you are going to take Anthony and Aaron's advice," Ellie said, "tell her that you want to be friends."

"Do you think that will work?" Farkle asked, turning back to Ellie. 

"I don't know, maybe," Ellie shrugged. "You'll never know if you don't try."

"You're right," Farkle said. "But I don't know if I should break up with her."

"Think about it," Aaron said. "Don't feel like you should break up with her. It should be your decision."

Farkle nodded. "I'll, uh, I'll see you guys later."

Farkle joined his friends.

"What do you think of the Farkle - Smackle situation?" Anthony asked.

"I don't know," Ellie said. "I don't want to make him a decision that he'll regret later. I know that Farkle likes her a lot, but..."

"But you want what's best for him," Aaron finished her sentence.

"Yeah," Ellie said.

The bell range and the trio went to their first period class.


Ellie went home and the apartment never felt so empty. Her and her brothers have their own things going on and her parents have little to no involvement in their lives. 

Ellie checked her phone to see no new messages from her mother. 

"Are you okay?" Anna asked, immediately recognizing the disappointment in Ellie's expression.

Ellie became good at hiding her emotions. It helped that she is an actor.

"Yeah," Ellie lied. "I'm okay."

"It's your mother isn't it?" Anna asked.

"She hasn't responded to any of my texts or calls," Ellie said. "I sometimes wonder if she ditched us."

Anna sighed. 

"Do you know where she is?" Ellie asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't," Anna said. "I've tried contacting her too, but..."

"She hasn't responded," Ellie sighed. 

"I'm sorry," Anna said. "I've tried everything I could."

"I know," Ellie said. "It's not your fault."

"El, it's not your fault either," Anna said. "You didn't do anything for her to act this way. You and your brothers... you three unfortunately got caught up in this mess. I promise you, none of you did anything."

"Then why does it feel like it's all my fault?" Ellie demanded. "Why does it feel like somehow, I did something for Mom and Dad to divorce each other?"

"I don't know," Anna said. "Maybe you're just looking for someone to blame?"

"Maybe," Ellie said. "I wish I did something."

"I know," Anna said. "Come here."

Anna pulled Ellie into a hug to comfort her.

"It's going to be okay, I promise," Anna said. "It'll all be okay."

"I hope so."

"Me too."


The following day, Ellie went to school and watching Farkle with all of his friends. He looked so happy with them. She couldn't help but wonder what is going through his head currently. Smackle was with them. 

Ellie thought back to the last few years. 

The only reason why Smackle came to their school was because of Farkle and she was able to worm her way into the friend group because of Farkle. Everything she did was all because of Farkle. And here she constantly talking about how attractive Lucas Friar is.

This never bothered Ellie until now. 

Farkle deserves better. He deserves someone who doesn't constantly comment on how another person is attractive. He deserves someone who truly cares for him. Someone who wants what's best for him and is honest with him but at the same time cares about his feelings and his reaction to certain situations. Someone who supports him.

Someone like her.

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