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Zayn's POV.

I walked into the building that was almost touching the sky. All the eyes were on me once again and to be honest I'm not enjoying this at all. "Oh hey Veronica, Harvey has asked you to go meet him when you come in so go on in through that door and good luck for a successful job" the receptionist who I later learned was called Jessie said. Why would he want to see me? I told Maya this is not gonna work. How does she always get her way. I can't go in there. That's when I suddenly heard Maya's voice. "Maya?" I looked around to find her. Here I'm on your shoulder. I looked and there she was with a white dress and a halo. "Hey you loser listen to me. You'll be fine as long as you don't go in there to be caught"she said poking my cheek. "Aren't you suppose to be the nice one?" I questioned her. "I'm only nice to people that doesn't annoy me and you are annoying me to death. Now look confident and keep your head and chest up high and walk in there" she said and I did that. "Ok maybe not the chest" she said and disappeared. Even when she isn't around she's bugging me.

"May I come in?" I asked knocking on the door. "Come in" I heard Harvey's voice say. I took a deep breath and walked in. "Well come on in. So this is officially your first day and we have all your work set out on an iPad on your table. I'm guessing you know how to work that. The youngsters these days know how to work everything we'll have someone come in and show you around the place and how to work everything so you'll get two hours of induction ok" Johnny said and pressed a button asking for some guy called Liam Payne. "Yeah guys did you ask for me?" a guy who looks about my age with quiffed brown hair came in and asked. "Yes Liam this is Veronica our new assistant and Veronica this is Liam our set designer" Harvey introduced us. I gave him a smile and he gave me one back and we walked out. "Well how long have you been working here?" I questioned him. "Well about 3 years. Me and my friends started when we were 17 as part of internship and well we were so good we got the jobs" he replied. "Wow you're only 20 years old?" I asked surprised. "Yeah why do I look really old?" he asked with a chuckle. "No no no you don't I was just.... I should just stop talking" I said getting really embarrassed with myself. "That's a good idea" I heard another voice say and I looked around and it was Niall the older one. "Oh hey Niall" I said and he gave me a confused look and that's when I realised it was Zayn who met Niall not Veronica. Good going Zayn. "How do you know my name?". He asked the question I knew was coming.
"Ummmm ummmm you met my brother yesterday remember the one that saved Nialler. He told me" I blurred out. What is wrong with me. Why did I just do that. "oh you are Zayn's sister? Now that I take a good look at you, you do look a lot like him" Niall told me with a smile on his face. "Well this is a good start, you've already met two and half out of five and a half" Liam said and we all laughed. "Well come on I'll introduce you to everyone else"he said dragging me along the place and I met many more people like Luke, Ashton, Calum Michael, Jason and many more and what surprised me was the amount of young people that work here. I mean these guys are still babies like Niall and Luke are both 17. Then again Liam was 17 and his friend Harry ( who's name I've heard at least a thousand time just today and my joking skills yesterday got compared to him and I'm not sure is that a good thing or not.) was only 16 when he got the job.

"Hey Lou I want you to meet someone" I heard Liam say and I looked up and a smile spread across my face and his. "Hey so you did end up getting the job huh" he said and I nodded. "You know each other?" Liam questioned. "No no really I just met her yesterday remember I told you yesterday" Lou I'm guessing said and looked at me. "Hey I'm Louis Tomlinson. I'm the costume designer" he said with a stretched hand. I took it and shook it and said "I'm Zay....I mean Veronica".
"Are you sure?" Louis asked with a chuckle. "Yeah sorry I'm just nervous that's all" I said. "Lou do you have that dress, I need to see it and make the rest of the calculations for the marketing" I heard a husky but sweet voice and I turned around to see a guy that looked like your typical nerd in a school with taped glasses and slicked back hair. "Oh wait a minute Marcy I'll be right back" Lou said and walked away. "Hey Marcy meet Veronica Malik the new assistant and Veronica this is Marcel Styles the marketing guy. We shook our hand and he gave me one of the best smiles I've ever seen. He had two very visible dimples unlike Niall Horan. I thought Ashton had the best smile but now this guy has a great smile too. I realised I was still staring at him when Liam snapped his fingers in front of me. "Sorry it's just you have a very very nice smile" I said and I felt my cheeks going red. "Awwww thank you that's very nice of you nobody has ever said that to me it's always Harry that gets the compliments because he's the cool one" Marcel said with another award winning smile. "You are joking with me right I mean I'm having a very difficult time taking my eye off of you" I said with a chuckle and he became embarrassed. "Awwww you are so cute I'm sorry I just have to say it" I said. "Ok then if you two are done flirting can we go?" I heard Liam say and we just laughed. "Well see you around Veronica" Marcel said and I gave him a wave.

I walked into room. "And this is your room if you need anything just let me know or any of the others" with that Liam was about to walk out when I stopped him. "Hey where's Nialler I haven't seen him at all" I said and he gave me a smile and an answer "oh he's probably with Harry in his room. Which is by the way next door."
"I've been hearing Harry Harry all day where is this character? I really want to meet him" I said and Liam just chuckled. "Come with me then". We walked into the room in front of mine and there was Nialler sitting on the floor playing with LEGO. "Uncle Li" he shouted in a very sweet voice and came running towards Liam. "How is my little Nialler?" "Nialler fine. Who ish dish?" he asked pointing towards me. "Oh this is Veronica. Say hi" "hi". Awwww. "Hi" I said and the three of talked and played for about half an hour and then I went into my room for actual work. There was a lot and I was walking down the corridor looking at my iPad when I walked into someone and all their papers went flying in the air and there was you could say about 500 papers. "Oh god I'm sooooo sorry" I said and looked down to see a figure on the floor. I could only see the top of his head which had luscious curly brown hair and he looked quite skinny. He was rubbing is elbow. "I'm so sorry. Let me help you" I said once again with a hand on my mouth. He turned around and I was surprised. "Marcel?" "Look at what you have done it took me literally the whole week to do this and now I've to do it all over again. Do you not have any working pair of eyes. God women these days just all over the place" he started to give out.

How dare he talk to me like that it was an accident that's all. I even said sorry and I even offered to help him and he turn around and insult women. "Excuse me, I said I'm sorry" I said in a tone that matched his.
"Yeah just because they invented a word sorry doesn't mean you can just use it and everything is ok" he replied. Ok what is his deal I mean he may look like Marcel but he is nowhere near as cute or nice as him. I've only talked to this guy for like 3 minutes and I want to just kill him. I know it was my fault but god he's boiling my blood. Everyone I met so far was so nice and friendly and then there is the odd one. I bend down to pick them up but his voice startled me. "Don't ruin it more than you already have just leave". I let out an angry sigh but still just stayed there helping him even though he doesn't deserve it. It is still me who did this to him. He was still giving our but I decided to block him. "Where do you want me to bring this?" I questiond him in a mono tone. "Just give it to me" he retorted "its gonna fall" "I don't care just give it" he said and I placed it in his hand and he took a step and it fell but by that time I caught it and with a smirk I asked him the same question again. He didn't say anything and just started to walk and I followed him. He walked into the room with Nialler and placed the sheets on the desk. "DADA" I heard Nialler scream and run towards this guy. DADA?
"Hey. How is Dada's little Nialler?" he asked Nialler picking him up. "Nialler good. Hey Aunty V" he said when he saw me and I waved.

How is it even possible that an angel like Nialler is this devils son. If this is the son then this must be the Harry everyone was talking so high of. Well isn't it a disappointment and I get to work real close to this oh god. All I want is to do something great with my life and I'm not gonna let anyone get in my way.

Phew everyone is introduced in this chap. What do you think of Harry. Is he over reacting or is Zayn over reacting.

Let me know what you think and comment and vote.

Q1. In the song live while we're young who's at the very trop in the tend scene?

G1. Which song title can you find in the story?

Zayn or Veronica IIWhere stories live. Discover now