Issei didn't respond at first, rather he chose to rub his eyes for a couple seconds to get the grogginess out of him, before looking up at her. She was wearing a simple white button up shirt that was barely containing her breasts from popping out. While he was wearing a simple black T-shirt and crimson red boxers.

"I am now..." He mumbled as he turned his gaze to the baby that was still crying and realizing why she kicked him off of the bed. Turning his gaze back to her he sighs and says, "It's my turn isn't it?"

"Mhm." Came her response with a nod.

"I'm on it," He started as he got up from the floor and approached the crib. Kurenai upon seeing his father began extending his little arms as if he was trying to get ahold of Issei.

Hey, hey, everything is going to be okay Kurenai, dad is here so you don't need to cry anymore." He cooed as he picked up the wailing baby who didn't yet cease his crying.

Issei didn't see this, but Akeno's annoyed look switched to one of happiness, she couldn't stay upset with him for long especially when he treated their little baby boy Kurenai like that.

"What seems to be the problem?" Issei asked the baby who has yet to stop his crying. "Are you hungry? Do you need your diaper changed?"

"He probably is hungry," Akeno commented from the bed.

"Hmm." He hummed as he turned Kurenai around to check the baby's diaper but found no stains. "Yeah, I think you're right. I don't smell anything, nor do I see any poop stains so he is probably wanting a little midnight snack."

"I remember when he used to drink from these..." Akeno added causing Issei to turn around and see her looking down and massaging her tits. "He was obsessed with them always wanting to drink from them so much."

"Yeah, but now there is more for me!" Issei commented with a sly smirk before quickly leaving the room to avoid Akeno possibly lecturing him about saying stuff like that in front of the kids.

Issei had turned down his perverted nature a lot since High school but he couldn't help from making some perverted comments here and there which Akeno was okay with but that was only if their children weren't around. This also applied to cursing.

She had read that children can sometimes pick up what their parents say at a young age and she didn't want their five-year-old daughter Akame or their little Kurenai cursing or saying perverted words at such a young age.

Hyoudou Household, Kuoh Town

1:33 AM


"Hmm, now that I think about it, you did use to suck on your mother's boobs a little when you were younger." Issei mused as he looked down at Kurenai who was being held in his arms. In Kurenai's itty bitty hands was a small bottle of milk that he was currently sucking on vigorously.

"Perhaps you're going to be like your cool old man-"

["You're not cool partner if I recalled you were a loser who gotten beaten up in high school."] Came a deep masculine voice inside of Issei's head stopping him from finishing his thought.

"Great to see you too Ddraig." Came Issei's somewhat sarcastic reply to the dragon that lived inside of the sacred gear that resided in him.

Issei at first was unaware of the supernatural world, but after meeting Akeno's parents he became aware of the supernatural world and was trained somewhat by Akeno's father in self-defense as well as how to use his sacred gear in case anything happens and is needed to defend himself or Akeno.

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