Life 1-1

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AN: Hello everyone, I am back once again with another story for you all to either hate on or enjoy. Now, this like a Slice Of The Chaos Karma Dragon isn't going to be an epic action-packed story. I know some of you guys want that as well as me to try harems, but I just don't want to do those at least at the moment. Harems are still going to be a no because I don't want to write them. Don't get me wrong I enjoy reading harem stories, but me I just can't write them. I don't know, anyways this story will be short, not too short but you know short. With that said let's get onto the story.

(Fair Warning, I apologize for what you're about to see, but like I said before I am just a mediocre writer so don't expect anything grand.)

Full Summary: In a different world filled with peace and prosperity, Akeno Himejima and Issei Hyoudou never became servants of Rias Gremory, instead, the two of them became high school lovers and eventually ended up getting married and having kids. Witness the two of them on their epic journey of parenthood.

Pairing: Issei x Akeno

Non-canon, single-pairing, a chill slice of life

"Flashbacks" - Thinking

[Flashbacks] - Texting

"Flashbacks" - Phone call

["Flashbacks"] Ddraig talking

["Flashbacks"] Ddraig thinking

Head Writer: Revan's Wraith

Co Writer: None

Life 1-1: First Day


Laying in bed sound asleep was Issei Hyoudou, a twenty-eight-year-old man with somewhat long spiky brown hair and light brown eyes, he had a small stubble that was needing to be shaved as well. Lying right next to him deep in her sleep was his high school crush and wife Akeno Himejima, or now Akeno Hyoudou. She had long raven black hair and amethyst purple eyes.

Lying in a crib right in front of their king size bed was their 1-year-old son Kurenai, he had inherited his mother's purple eyes and his father's brown hair.

Unbeknownst to the high school lovers, their son wasn't asleep in fact he had just woken up from his sleep and-

"Waah! Waaah!"

-Started crying because he was hungry.

Akeno in response to hearing her child start to cry began to stir from her sleep and mumble to her husband. "Issei... Kurenai is awake..." She would have gotten up to take care of Kurenai, but tonight was Issei's night to take care of Kurenai should he wake up in the middle of the night.

Issei didn't respond to his wife at all, he didn't make a moan of annoyance or a groan at all. Instead, he continued to lightly snore and dream about whatever he was dreaming about.

"Waah! Waah! Waaaah!"

Akeno now starting to become slightly annoyed that she was awoken from her sleep did what any loving wife would do to her husband.

"Issei get up!"

She kicked him off of the bed.

"Ahh!" He cried out right before hitting the wooden flooring making a crashing noise.

"You awake now?" She questioned as she crossed her arms underneath her massive bust. She wasn't exactly mad at him because it can't be helped. He was a heavy sleeper and usually wouldn't wake up unless the loud noise goes on for a long time. She, however, wasn't a heavy sleeper, she was a light sleeper so just the faintest noises would usually wake her up.

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