Chapter 2: Unease Rises

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Alex's POV

A week after that joyous occasion came Death and his chariot.  Accounts of Risen, a monstrosity that the Grimleal use to do their bidding, such as attack our halidom.  Many years have pasted since the Grimleal used them. 

They attacked a small village called Southtown.  The villagers escaped but the town was left as a pile of ash.  The Risen out in a forest north of the town, most likely awaiting orders. 

Right now, Lucina and the Shepherds are having a war council, but with no Mother to guide them and tell them the plan, it was probably chaos in there. 

Lucina's POV

I looked around at the Shepherds.  Most of the noice was coming from Sully yelling at Virion to stop flirt with her and to get a life.  Where they always like this?

I clapped three times, but no one turned my way.  I clapped again, still no reaction.  They left me no choice. 

"WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP?!"  I yelled at the top of my lungs.  Everyone turned my way, shocked that a little person could produce such a loud sound.

"Thank you.  Let's start with the problem at hand.  Risen have invaded our borders once again. We know now that we cannot discuss terms of peace, peacefully at least, with the Plegians. So, thoughts on what we should do?"

"First," Miriel said, "we should deal with the Risen in Ylisse." She stepped forward and pushed up her small round glasses. "Then, I suggest we find a tactician like Robin."

"Are we really going to find someone like Robin, though?" Vaike asked. "Robin knew everything and always seemed to have the gods at her side. How many people in the world are like that?"

"Your Highness!" A voice yelled from the back of the room. A boy no older than me ran to me. He carried a letter. "The Plegian Queen, Aversa, has sent you a letter."

"Thank you," I replied, not sure how to act. I grabbed the letter and opened it. I read it aloud for all the Shepherds to hear.

"Dear Lucina, Exalt of Ylisse,
I deeply apologize for the ruckus I have cause. It seems our Risen destroyed one of your southern villages. Please do not count this action one that would start a war. Our countries have been fighting for much to long.
If you wish for an official treaty between us, one that would establish peace and bring our two people together. Meet me at the border pass. I don't care what precautions you take, all I want is peace.
Yours truly,

"That's a damn lie," Sully stated plainly. I sighed. I knew she was right.

"Well, I say let's meet her," I announced, "but let's bring all of the Shepherds just in case. Now, to find a tactician." I looked down, trying to think. I heard footsteps.

"Though I hope we don't come to this," I looked up. It was Aunt Lissa. "Morgan and Alex are an option. They studied all of Robin's books that she left behind."

"No... we can't use them. What happens if they die? Then, my father and siblings would be dead, and my mother never to be found. I would never able to live with myself if they died."

"Hush, Lucina. I know that it hurts, but this could be war. We must think of the halidom, not ourselves."

"Mother told me to protect them.  She didn't why say why, but it sounded like she was worried.  Like something bad was going to happen."

"Then, why don't you protect them yourself with and couple others."  I considered it.  It would fix our problem and I would still be following Mother's wish.

"Okay.  Let's do it."  I pointed to a man standing in the back.  "Will you get Morgan and Alex?  They should be in their room."  He nodded and headed out the door.

Let's just hope they are ready to be tacticians and to go to war.

Morgan's POV

The sun fell behind the horizon.  The sky was orange and red.  We were almost to the border, but it was late so we made camp where we were.

I stood on top of a hill near the camp.  This was the first time I've left Ylisstol, and I was going to war.  Was this what Mother and Father wanted?  To fight in a war, but mostly likely get killed?

I sighed and kept looking at the border.  Then, I heard a voice.  It was singing a old lullaby that Mother and Aunt Lissa sang to me.

"Though shadows surround you,
The light of your heart shatters their defenses.
Oh Rise and Fight!
The world wants to break you down,
But you are stronger.
You are safe in my arms.
I will always be there. 
You are safe in my arms."

I followed the sound and found Alex on a stump in a open field.  She didn't see me as I approached.  I came up behind her and grabbed her shoulder.  What I got was a bronze sword to my neck.  She turned and glared at me.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" She criticized.  She lowered her sword but the needles that her eyes sent into me were still there. 

"I-I heard you singing.  So I came over here."  She grabbed me and pulled me down so our eyes were at the same level.

"But why did you grab my shoulder?"

"It was just a spur of the moment thing.  You were oblivious to the world so I thought I'd scare you."

"Don't do that again.  What if that bronze sword went deeper and killed you?  And it would be all your fault because you thought you should scare me."

"I'm sorry, Alex! Geez, you don't have to take it so seriously."

"Yes I do.  You might not realize this but this will soon become war, and what if someone wanted to kill me or kidnap me?  It would be up to me to kill them."

"I hate when you're right."

A scream echoed in the air. A single crow circled above.

"I think that came from the neighboring town," my sister said. She pointed to a light on the horizon, only that light was to strong to be simple lamps. It had to be something huge. Like a bonfire.

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