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Staring out of the window, I sighed at the unfamiliar view of the new beach in the distance. I'd grown up for 17 years living in my old family beach hut but yesterday my mother made me move to the new house, hundreds of miles away from my old home. 

I guess my mom wanted to get far away from there after the accident last summer that left me without my father and brother. It was only 5.30am on a Sunday morning but I didn't sleep well being in a new house. Before I could hear the waves crashing on the beach but in this house you can only just about see the beach, with no sound of the waves. 

I decided there was no point trying to get back to sleep so I headed to the bathroom before chucking my hair up in a messy bun. I put on a black bikini, deciding I might as well check out the surf on the new beach. I slipped on a wet suit half way, not bothering to put it on completely as I wasn't in the sea yet. 

I sneaked out the front door, grabbing my surf board on the way out as I headed along the long boardwalk to the beach. The water wasn't too cold as I stepped into the sea, before sitting on my board and paddling out. It was odd being at a different beach though, I used to know every inch of my old home, but now it was all new. 

I was too busy staring at the new beach in front of me, that I didn't rush to catch a wave to surf in on. I glanced over as I heard someone paddling towards me. It was a guy not much older than me, as he smirked sitting up on his board. Even with a wet suit on, you could see he was extremely muscular, from the way he paddled towards me, flexing his muscles. 

"Haven't seen you around before." He smirked. 

"That's because I only got here yesterday." I replied. 

"It's only 5.45am, shouldn't you be asleep still?" He smirked. 

"Can't sleep so I might as well be out here." I replied. 

"So you in high school?" He asked. 

"Yeah I'm starting Monday at a new place." I replied as we were both bobbing in the sea about 200 metres from the beach. 

"Let me guess? Malbourough High?" He asked. 

"Yeah?" I frowned. 

"I go there. I was meant to graduate last year but I failed so I'm re taking my senior year." He laughed. "I'm guessing you're a junior or a senior?" 

"Senior." I replied. 

"Well then, newbie, let's see if you're any good at surfing." He smirked as he caught site of a big wave approaching. We both turned so we were facing the beach as we paddled towards it, letting the wave carry our boards. I watched as the guy kneeled, ready to stand up, but I thought it was a bit early to stand. 

I hesitated a little longer, before standing up catching the wave at the perfect moment. I must admit, the waves at this beach are amazing and for a moment it felt like my old home. I skilfully surfed the wave from all the lessons my father gave me, until I reached the shallow swash of the sea so I hopped off my board. 

"You seem to know what you're doing out there." The guy smirked, pulling out his board from the sea as he unzipped his wetsuit, revealing his muscular torso. He ran a hand through his blonde hair as he watched me get out of the water. 

I dragged my surf board out of the water before unzipping my wetsuit down to my waist, so I just had a bikini top showing. 

"So what do you think of the beach bay?" The guy smirked. 

"Yeah I guess those waves are pretty good." I grinned. 

"I never got your name, newbie." He smirked. 

"Elsa," I replied. 

"Well Elsa, I'm Liam." He smirked.

"I better get going, I promised I'd help my mom unpack." I said, before walking away, feeling his gaze on my back.

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