Chapter 2

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How do I get out of here now? I can't be at the same place as Sam Adams. What if he will notice me? What if he realizes I'm the girl who literally stalked him through the whole high school and even longer? Yes, Sam is aware of being hottest guy in town. He always was. He was always getting all the attention. I'm pretty sure he never minded that. He was usually actually enjoying it. When I and Tori were younger, we heard these girls talking about guy named Sam. They were most likely talking about him as a trophy. But that's basically what he did to all those girls he was ever linked to. He just used them all and then send them away.

But I know there's something more. There's definitely more than meets the eye. During my stalking years, I saw him staring into the distance. Like he was somewhere else in his mind. I knew he was deeply thinking about something. Maybe that's why I'm attracted to him that much. Once I mentioned that to Tori, about him being different than everyone thinks. She laughed at me. Since that, I kept everything for myself. Anyway, one day he literally caught me drooling over him while he was playing basketball with his friends. The most embarrassing moment in my life. The thing is, beside the fact it was too embarrassing, because I was literally drooling, seriously the saliva was coming out of my mouth, well, and the thing is he wasn't laughing at all. All his friends were, but he wasn't. Yeah, he chuckled a little, but that was it. He barely paid any attention to his crazy stalker. After that, I got called by lot of names by his so-called friends. Just them. He actually never spoke to me at all. Not even a simple hello. Or at least hi. Nothing.

My first year on high school, on Valentine's Day, I managed to sneak this super cute Valentine's card into his locker. No idea what he did with it. Probably he threw it into the bin right after he took it out of a locker. Maybe he burned it or maybe something else. That was my, you could say, first attempt to make a "move" on famous Samuel Adams.

"Earth to Olivia" Chris snapped his fingers in front of my face. "What?" I ask. "You just totally spaced out" he looks me in the eye. I shrug. I pretend to start looking for something in my purse, which I hanged on my chair before, so I can look at him one more time. He's smiling. Oh that smile. That big smile. And those blue eyes. And his curly hair. I feel my knees go week even when I'm sitting on chair. If someone would make me to stand up I wouldn't be able to hold my balance. Then he suddenly stands up. I quickly turn around back to the table and cover my face with my hair. I still could see him pass our table and heading somewhere. Probably to the bathroom. Then I realize everyone at our table is staring at me. Chris is looking at me with his eyebrow raised, very well-known questioning look on his face. Nathan just shakes his head and then there's Tori's disappointed look. "I need some air" I say and just as fast as I can I stand up, take my purse and go out. I sit down on the nearest bench and take deep breath. "You know, it's his bachelor party" suddenly a voice speaks to me and I quickly remove a tear from my cheek. Guy with purple hair sits next to me and I look him the eye. The look on his face is very rare one. This look is full of guilt. Chris doesn't show this emotion really often, because like he says, there's nothing he should feel guilty about. Unless there is. Then it hits me. "You knew he'll be there" it's more as a statement than a question, but it still makes him to nod. "I see" I sigh. Then I quickly stand up and walk home.

It's just a damn crush, it's not like we dated before and had a terrible heart breaking break up. We don't even know each other. Everyone has or at least had a crush on someone. What makes me having a crush on Sam different? It's not even like I'm in love with him. Or am I?

I open the door of my apartment and I walk in. While I'm heading to the bathroom, I unzip my dress and take it off. I step into the shower and turn on the hot water. It's literally burning my skin and I feel the pain, but maybe it's going to wash away my other pain. Pain from being betrayed. Not sure if I feel betrayed by my friends of actually knowing Sam will be there tonight or by the fact he's actually getting married. Sam Adams is getting married. It hurts even when I'm just thinking about it. I start to cry.

After some time, which seems like forever, I turn the water off. I put on the bathing robe and wrap towel around my hair. I sit on a couch and turn on the TV. I start to switch channels until I don't come to local channel, which airs local news and also gossips about local people. I don't even pay attention to it. Until they don't mention Sam's name. And the name of his fiancé. Alex Jones.

I gasp. "WHAT?" I literally yelled at totally innocent TV and throw remote controller on it. Of course, I missed. As always. I can't believe he's going to marry her. He's going to marry the girl who almost turned my life into a hell on Earth. He's going to marry a girl who years ago almost "accidentally" hit me with her damn car. She claimed it was an accident, but we both knew it wasn't. Never knew and never found out what her actual problem with me was. If she was trying to ruin my life then, well, now she succeeded. Congrats Alex. You won.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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