Chapter four

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Hermione groaned and opened her eyes. She sat up and massaged her aching head. "Are you ok?" Draco asked, genuinely concerned 'You've been out for hours!'

Hermione shot him a withering look, and asked 'And what do you want Malfoy? Another thing to haunt me until I realize you could never love? Or is that too much effort? It doesn't matter who's heart you break, does it? You had me forgetting you were a Malfoy' 

Draco sighed and grimaced. The girl he loved was so incredible, even when breaking his heart, shard by shard. He thought of his life, and how screwed up it was. He could get out of these chains in ten seconds max. But something was stopping him. 

He grimaced, realizing that that something was seeing the girl he was in love with, like he had a chance with her. He was a Malfoy after all. They were Death Eaters, They were were murderers, and they were were the most horrific people anyone had the misfortune to meet, as it was probably their last thing to do ever. 

And everything they did, was because of love. 

Twisted, disgusting love that made them go crazy. His aunt, loving Voldemort. Narcissa loving too much. Never thinking about the consequences, never even considering leaving Draco behind. That was the misfortune of the Malfoy family. It stopped their rationality. Draco should have got out of his chains but he sobbed screaming for her and pulling at the chains. 

Love. That Voldemort, the dark lord himself, despised and fought against. The thing that held his entire army together. Why Draco couldn't kill the old bugger. He was extremely fond of Dumbledore, for he was the first to see him as something more than a Malfoy, more than his family and as Draco. A boy doomed into Voldemort's trap. He was grateful and owed him a great deal. 

He had met Hermione in the prefect carriage, back at the start of fifth year. Possibly the worst yet best year of his life They shared a tentative smile before a drunk Weasley came in. He had found Draco's extremely expensive Firewhiskey and had drunk it all. How on earth he had even gotten drunk on the train, was still a mystery. And that idiot got his girl. 

'So... How's the weasel then? What about Potter and the Weaslette?' He asked, attempting conversation. 

Her body went rigid, her hand began shaking and she pushed her trembling hand behind her back so Draco couldn't see it. He undid his chains and put a hands on her shoulder. he could feel her sobs. But, so was the curse of Malfoys. He had no idea how to heal her, the way she had him.

It was so frustrating, watching her hurt, knowing that he had done that.
And the knawing at anger at weasel increased as he wondered what he had done to her

A/N thank you so much for reading.

Hope you all have/had a good day!

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