Chapter 20

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Walking to the shield's locker room with the guys, I noticed Summer Rae and Layla walking over to us. I rolled my eyes as they stopped in front of us. "Hey baby," Summer said to Jon. Jon gave a disgusted look. I was about to punch her. "Summer, I'm not your 'baby'. How many times do I have to tell you that?" Jon told her. I bet you're confused. Let me clear things up. Ever since I beat Layla last month for my title, she and Summer have been hitting on Jon just to annoy me. Summer's always calling Jon 'baby' or 'babe' and ever single time, I feel like punching her.

Anyway, Summer smirked at Jon and put her hand on his shoulder. "But you are my baby," she said. "That's it," I said. I pushed Summer away from Jon. "Touch him again, and I will beat you so bad, you will end up in a hospital." "I don't think so Nicki. Jon would be way happier with me than you." She smirked. I was about to lose it. I charged after her and started to punch her.

Jon's POV

I tried getting Nicki off of Summer but it wasn't working. Joe and Colby tried, but failed. I saw Nattie and April walking into the arena. "Nattie!! April!!" I called. They looked over and waved. I waved them over to where we were. They saw what was happening and helped me get Nicki off of Summer. After a while, we finally got Nicki and Summer separated.

"This isn't over Summer!!" Nicki yelled. "You got that right. See you in the ring." She smirked and left.

Normal POV

"I'm going to destroy her," I said. "Don't worry about her Nicki. You can kick her ass in the ring," Nattie said. "Yeah. But there's one small problem." "What's the problem?" April asked. "It's a 6-diva tag match and I don't have partners," I answered. "We'll be your partners," Nattie said pointing to her and April. "Really?" They nodded. "You guys are the best!!" I exclaimed giving them a hug. "Yeah. We know." We laughed and let go of the hug. "Well, we should get ready. We'll see you at the ramp," April said. "Yup. See ya." I waved at them and the guys and I went to our locker room.


Jon and I met up with Nattie and April at the ramp. As you can tell, Jon will be at ringside during our match. I saw Summer, Layla, and Paige walking over to us. I glared at them. Jon wrapped his arm around my waist calming me down. "Don't worry about her now. You can beat the shit out of her in the ring," he whispered in my ear. I nodded and kissed his cheek. That's when Summer's theme played. She walked down the ramp with Layla and Paige. Once they were in the ring, my theme played. Jon grabbed my hand and the four of us walked down the ramp.

"And their opponents, being accompanied to the ring by Dean Ambrose, the team of Natalya, AJ Lee, and the divas champion, Nicki!!"

Before entering the ring, Jon kissed my cheek and gave Nattie and April a quick hug. The three of us got in the ring and decided that Nattie would start off against Paige.


April was currently in the ring against Layla. Nattie was on the ground along with Paige. April and Layla were both crawling over to their corners. I had my hand out ready to be tagged in. April tagged me in just as Layla tagged in Summer. We just glared at each other. I smirked and charged after her. I started punching her. I threw her towards the ropes and clotheslined her. She got up and I hit her with another clothesline. She was down. I grabbed her by the arm and threw her at the ropes again. This time, she reversed it and hit me with a clothesline. I fell to the mat but got up. She tried to hit me with another clothesline, but I moved out of the way and hit her with a drop kick. She got up and I hit her with another drop kick. I went for the pin.


She kicked out. I groaned and started punching her. I got up and grabbed her and hit her with dirty deeds. I went for the pin again.


"And your winners, AJ Lee, Natalya, and Nicki!!" April and Nattie slid in the ring and the ref raised our arms. Jon came in the ring and gave us all a hug. We left the ring and headed backstage.

The Boss's Daughter~Dean Ambrose aka Jon Good love story~FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now