Chapter 12

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For the past month, Layla has been getting on my nerves. When I'm warming up for my matches, I always see her flirting with Jon. Jon gets so uncomfortable around her. She's starting to piss me off big time. No one, and I mean NO ONE flirts with MY Jon unless it's me. I have a match against Layla tonight. Jon will be at ring side for me. I swear, if she tries anything with Jon, I will kill her.

"Nicki and Layla to the ramp. Nicki and Layla to the ramp." That was my cue. I grabbed my championship and Jon and I left the locker room. We got to the ramp and I saw Layla warming up. She saw me and smirked walking over to me and Jon.

"What do you want Layla?" I growled. "I came over to talk to Jon. Not you," she said. "What the hell do you want Layla?" Jon barked. "I just wanted to talk." She wrapped one of her arms around Jon's neck and I was really close of murdering her. Jon yanked her arm away from him and put his arm around my waist. "Don't even think about touching me," Jon told her. "Fine then." That's when her theme went off. "See you in the ring." She smirked and made her way to the ring. "I'm going to kill her," I muttered under my breath. "Win your match first, and then kill her," Jon said. I nodded and my theme went off. Jon grabbed my hand lacing our fingers as we made our way to the ring. Layla still had a smirk on her face. Before I entered the ring, Jon leaned down and kissed me making the crowd scream. I pulled back and kissed his cheek and then entered the ring.


I had the upper hand most of the match. I was currently backed up in a corner getting ready to hit her with a spear. Once she was up, she turned towards me and right when I was about to hit her, she moved out of the way making me hit my shoulder against the steel post. She grabbed me by my hair and started punching me.

"COME ON NICKI!!!!" I heard Jon yell. Layla got off of me and went for a clothesline. I ducked her and hit her with a drop kick. She got up and I hit her with another drop kick. She started getting up. I bounced off the ropes and hit her with Colby's finisher, the curb stomp, and went for the pin.


"And your winner, the divas champion, Nicki!!" Jon got in the ring and kissed my forehead. We left the ring and headed up the ramp. Before going backstage, I glanced back to the ring. Layla was starting to get up and she was facing the ramp. I looked up at Jon and he smirked. He leaned down and kissed me. I pulled back and glanced at Layla with a smirk on my face.

"He's mine," I mouthed to her. She gasped and Jon and I went backstage and headed to our locker room.

The Boss's Daughter~Dean Ambrose aka Jon Good love story~FINISHEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon