The Hotel ch.1

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  My name is Roxanne. I make documentaries about many different things, but I have always been drawn to the supernatural. So when I was given the opportunity to make a documentary about how weird Oregon truly is, I jumped to take the project. I normally work with a crew but they are all very superstitious and refused to work on this project with me. I have about 12 stops to make and each stop I will spend about 3 days at, this gives me enough time to talk to locals and evaluate the situation myself.

  Today marks the first day on my trip, my first stop is the McKenzie River Inn, there have been numerous sightings of what people describe as orbs and celestial beings in this hotel. The trip to the McKenzie River Inn was actually very beautiful, I did not expect to see such dense forest surrounding the building. As of right now I am walking into the Inn, I will try to keep the camera on to get a sense of how the atmosphere feels right away.

  "Hi, uh I have a reservation for Roxanne."

  "I see the reservation but you said there would be more people, are they coming soon?" the hostess says with a slight frown

  "No, they had to cancel. It's just me."

  "Okay," she says as her slight frown turns to an unsettling smirk. "Have a nice stay! Call the front desk if you need anything."

  She plops the keys in my hand and I walk away.

  Okay, that was weird, she seemed to be pleased when I told her that I'm by myself but it could have just been an odd old lady. I'm going to put the camera down so I can get settled in, and here in about 2 hours I will make my way around the hotel to start evaluating what is going on and we can also talk to the locals. See you soon.


  As I walk up to my room, there is barely anyone around. The whole time I've been here I haven't seen any other guests. There are an abundance of maids though, which is weird considering I seem to be the only one here...

  I'm having trouble finding my room so I stop a maid to ask for help.

  "Hey, excuse me. Can I have some help please?"

  "There's no helping you."

  She hurries down the hall and into a room, I can hear the door lock. I find another maid and ask her, thankfully this one is less weird and assists me to my room.

  I put my camera equipment on one of two beds that are in the room so when I'm ready to start exploring the hotel I can just grab what I need and go. I put my luggage next to the T.V stand and click the T.V on. For some reason it will only play static but this doesn't mean it's paranormal, this just means we are deep in the woods. Which we are. My cell phone wont get any service as well... We are deeper in the woods than I thought. Since I can't watch T.V or get on my phone, and I have no one to talk to I decide to take a shower before I start filming again. After all, it is still fairly early in the morning and the people I have set up interviews with are not available until later in the afternoon. During the showing nothing odd or creepy happened. No scenes from the movie Psycho were recreated, and no blood came from the water faucet. So far this actually seems like a fairly nice hotel.

  I finish getting dressed and I put on my makeup, after that I start packing my film backpack with what I need for the rest of today. I walk out of my hotel room still fumbling with my camera, trying to turn it on. I bump into someone.

  "Oops, sorry, I should have watched where I was going." I say apologetically while holding the camera tight so I don't drop it.

  "It's fine- wait oh my god are you serious? You're one of those annoying YouTubers trying to catch something on camera aren't you?" the person says irritatedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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