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How skilled a writer do you consider yourself?
I like to think I'm pretty good, though I'd leave this up to my readers.

What are your writing interests?
As far as fanfiction goes, 100% Zelda and always Zelda. Outside of that I love to write Adventure and Fantasy stories!

What got you into the Legend of Zelda series?
My grandparents bought a Wii one year, and my grandpa and I would sit down and play Zelda together all the time.

What do you love most about the series?
How dare you make me choose! In all seriousness, I love the adventure and wonder it ignites in me. LoZ is such a special franchise to me because it allows me to escape and literally explore a world full of things to discover.

Favorite Legend of Zelda game?
Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask are tied for me.

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