God sake

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Tony's pov:

I looked from Hulk with arrows sticking out of him. To an unconscious Clint annd Thor. With Natasha next to them also unconscious. Then there was Steve.He head was bleeding from a gash that was on his head. He was unconscious too.

I started to cry as i kneel down next to him and put my head on his chest. I put my hand on his cheek knowing that i did this to them. I did this to him. I just start crying louder as i say sorry over and over again. Knowing it would do nothing.


I whisper out faintly. Suddenly, Steve jolts up from his unconscious state and looks start into my watering eyes. I jump back a bit. I hold his head up as he was trying to say something. I put ear next to his mouth. And faintly whispers'

"You could of saved us"

I start to cry with guilt again as I look into his cold dead eyes as he drops dead again. 

'Why didn't you do more' I thought.

Then i go to scream in frustration of myself but suddenly..... I'm back in the base that was inSokovia. I turn to look at the creature that gives me nightmares and wipe my tears that have stained my face. That dream has been haunting me since the New York battle. And it really tiring me out. It isn't helping my anxiety ever. I swing my hand out to command my suit's hand to attach to mine. When it does I grab Loki's sceptre.

Captain's pov :

We were on the plane making our way back to base (Tony's house). I was just checking up on everyone. Since one of the of the people they were keeping there attacked them. She got into their minds. She did it to me too. But then I heard sniffling coming from Tony. I walk over to him and put my hands on his shoulders, which made him jump. 

"You alright man"

Already knowing the answer to my own question he turned to face me with a tear stained face and puffy eyes. No one noticed that he was crying when he got on the ship because he was wearing his suit at that moment then went straight to pilot the plane.

"Yeah I'm okay" 

He says in a raspy voice. Lying to me. 

"Look I know you lying. What happened"

He didn't answer.

"Has something happened between you and your girlfriend" 

"What girlfriend.. oh that.. uh .. no"

I personally don't think he has a girlfriend. Because he never is worried about anyone when he is on the job and he doesn't phone anyone that much. If he is not hanging out with us or doing his job he is in his lab. 

"Then what"

I ask.

"Well do you know those people with abilities that they were keeping in the base. I think one of them got to me and got into my mind. She made me see something I didn't want to see"

"What was it that you saw"

" I would rather not say"

"Please tell me"

I beg.

"Maybe another time"


He gets up from his sit and sets the plane on auto - pilot. 

* A few minutes later*

Tony's pov :

We have arrived at the base and the others took the sceptre to the lab. Whilst me and Cap stayed behind.

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