chapter 4 - so this girl

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*you logged onto the chatroom*

-connecting you to your partner-

*your partner logged onto the chatroom*

partner: hey babe ;)

you: what

partner: how's it going ;)

you: what

partner: wanna meet me ;)

you: what

partner: you know.. ;)




partner: that was great


partner: ahahaha!

you: care to explain?

partner: the girl who sits beside me said it would be funny

partner: it was

you: no it wasnt

partner: it definitely was

you: so this girl

partner: what about her?

you: how much did you pay her to talk to you?

you: how much did she pay you to call me babe?

partner: no money was exchanged

you: flirting though

partner: no... just talking...

you: flirting

partner: you're a fish

you: ???

partner: im not allowed to swear so what else am I supposed to say!?

you: whatever. So when are you and "girl" getting together

partner: she's going to the party

you: ah! yes! of course! the party!

partner: we arent getting together

you: aw come on mate! you obviously like her

partner: doesnt mean she likes me

you: she talked to you

partner: so what

you: that means she doesn't dislike you, which means she generally likes you

partner: okay then...

[System Message: bell is ringing in 5 minutes!]

you: ugh

you: [system message: shut up]

[System Message: thank you for your message! Someone will respond to it ASAP]

you: oh damn...

partner: what

you: i just sent a message to the system telling them to shut up

partner: well why'd you do that?

you: not purposely. I was trying to make fun of it and didnt realize it would send to them

partner: what'd you type in to make it send

you: i made it look like a system message...

partner: do it again!!! tell them they should make a handbook of how to use this stupid program :p

you: okay...

you: [system message: i didn't realize making my message look like a system message would send it to you, so if you are going to put weird gestures in here you should at least tell us what they are]

[System Message: thank you for your message! Someone will respond to it ASAP]

you: i did it

partner: woot woot

you: *dances*

partner: what kind of dancing. Because depending on the form of dance, it could be sad or angry

you: happy dance you idiot

*your partner logged out of the chatroom*

you: sorry i have to go now

you: oh

*you logged off of the chatroom*


A/N: by the way, that is the Wednesday chatlog. Even though it is currently Friday.

I'll try to get the thursday and friday logs up by tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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