"He's just tired, honey." Jane tried to assure her daughter-in-law as she walked over to her. "Why don't you come out and have some supper with us? We can turn on the baby monitor and you can pull it up with your phone."

Meryl shook her head as she ran her fingers through her husband's hair. "I can't leave him; he wouldn't leave me."

"Honey, he's just sleeping." Jane squeezed Meryl's shoulder.

Meryl didn't even try to blink past the tears. "I'm not sure; he looks just like he did when he was in the coma. I'm not leaving until he wakes up; just as I know he wouldn't leave me until I woke up. Besides, he was terrified when he started remembering of me not being with him. What if he wakes up and I'm not with him." Jane began to walk out until Meryl spoke again. "I'm such an idiot."

"Why on earth would you say that, sweetheart?" Jane asked as she peeked in on her grandchildren in the bassinets.

Meryl didn't wipe away her tears. "Everyone was so worried about me testifying, about the stress it would cause me; Don was terrified for me to testify. No one seemed concerned about him testifying; and look what happened. HE'S the one that has brain trauma. I shouldn't have let him do this."

"You have met my son, right?" Jane teased her daughter-in-law. "You couldn't have stopped him. He's wanted to remember what happened that day so badly; and he has. I'm sure in some ways it's like he's been depressurized so his body is finally able to relax; so is his brain. Give him some time. Nothing will keep him away from you and the kids long."

Meryl gave her mother-in-law a teary smile as she accepted her hug. "Thank you, Jane; for everything. For the help and letting us stay here."

"This is his home; your home." Jane choked as Meryl nodded tearily. "Can I bring you something to eat or drink?"

Meryl shook her head. "No thank you; I promised him we would eat dinner together tonight and that is just what we are going to do."

"We're here if you need us." Jane kissed her son's forehead. "Thank you for taking such amazing care of him."

Meryl watched her mother-in-law walk out as she laid her head on her husband's shoulder. "I'll be right here when you wake up, handsome. I'm not going anywhere."


Meryl looked at her watch and sighed. Don had been asleep without moving for hours. This wasn't right. He had brain trauma. He had been shaking and sweating like crazy. She couldn't believe that she didn't insist he go to the hospital and get checked out after everything he had gone through 2 weeks before. Meryl pressed her fingers to his pulse and it seemed strong. Meryl was starting to think they needed an ambulance; she didn't want to be the overprotective or overreactive wife; but she just couldn't shake her fear and helplessness. She kissed his lips and got up to repack the babies' diaper bag. She then went over to them and kissed their heads. "I think we're going to go on a little trip; we just need to make sure Daddy is okay." Meryl sighed as she went back over to him and he still wasn't awake. "Okay baby, I'm going to get some help. Just hang tight, sweetheart." Meryl slipped on her shoes and a cardigan and went over to the door opening it. She was relieved when she saw Brad walking down the hallway. "Oh good, Brad!"

"What is it, honey?" Brad rushed over to his daughter-in-law when he saw how worked up she was. "Is it Don?"

Meryl walked a few steps towards her father-in-law. "He's still not awake; he hasn't even moved. I think we need to get him to the hospital. I should have insisted on it earlier."

"I'm sure he's just tired, honey." Brad tried to soothe his daughter-in-law. "I'll get the babies and put them in their seats in the stroller."

Meryl went back over to her husband kissing his lips over and over. "Please be okay."

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