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{Paul's P.O.V}

"Hey babe!" Torrey said as I picked up the phone.

"Hi." I said.

"Are you on set?" She asked.

"Yeah. But I'm heading to the trailer now. I need to pick up some stuff. Can I call you in a while?" I asked her in a hurry.

"Oh yeah. Totally." She said.


I hang up as I make my way to my trailer, frustrated. 

I blew my chance with Nina and now Ian is into her. GREAT.

I open the door to my trailer and-

"SURPRISE!!!!" I hear someone yell.

"What the-" I begin but stop as I see Torrey's grinning face.

"Torrey?!" I exclaimed.

"What- What are you doing here?" 

"I was missing you and I thought I would surprise you!!" She said excitedly.

"Ahhh. I don't know what to say." I said hugging her.

"That's what i needed." She smiled.

""So what are you doing later?" She asked me.

"The cast and I are going to this party." I said.

"Oh. This is gonna sound crazy but-" She said holding up the same passes for the club.

"Ohhh." I smiled.

"That's great! I can return this pass back to Candice then!" I said.

"Okay." She said.

"I'll be right back." I said as I left the trailer.

While walking back to the set, a realization hit me.


Just then my eyes catch Nina sitting on the same chair as I had left her in.

"Hey." I said sitting next to her.

"She's here." I tell her, my head hanging low.

"Who??" She says.

"Torrey. She's here. Sitting in my trailer right now." I peak a glance at her.


"Yeah. Came to surprise me. And she has the same passes for the party tonight which means that-" 

"Which means that you are going with her." She said completing my sentence.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I really am." I said holding her hand.

"Why are you sorry? She's your girlfriend. Go with her. I'll go with the girls." Nina said, her mouth a firm line.

"I know. But-"

"Paul. It's not a big deal. It's not like WE are dating." She said fake smiling.

"Okay." I said.

"We have to shoot again. Come on." She said getting up.

Everything Comes Back To You- A Dobsley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now