Just Friends

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{Nina's P.O.V}

Paul turned off the engine as we reached the set.

I turned to open my car door when I heard Paul say, "Wait! Wait!"

He leapt out of the car and sprinted to my side and opened the door for me.

"Paul! You didn't have to!" I said smiling wide.

"I wanted to." He said smiling.

I grabbed my stuff from the backseat and got out of the car.

"Hey Nina." Paul said as we entered the studio.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Knock Knock." He said grinning.

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes.

"Not again!!" I faked tiring.

"Come on!!" He said playfully.

"Ugh!! Fine!!" I said whining.

"Knock Knock." He repeated.

"Who's there?" I said.

"Interrupting Cow." He laughed.

"Interruptin-" I started but Paul cut me off.

"Mooooooooooo." He laughed.

We both broke into laughter at his joke, "Good One."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Kat watching us.

"Uhh. Kat is waiting for me. I'll see you later?" I asked Paul.

"Alright!! See you later!!" He said hugging me.

I walked towards where Kat was standing.

"Hey!!" I said hugging her.

"Hii!!" Kat said hugging me tight.

"Woah." I laughed.

"Nina. What is going on with you two?" Kat said, holding my hand.

"Who?" I asked confused.

"You and Paul." She said.

"What do you mean? Nothing is happening between us!" I exclaimed.

"I saw you two." She said.

"We were just hugging! Just like FRIENDS do!" I said putting emphasis on 'friends'.

"Okay! Okay!" She said giving up. 

"Besides. He is dating someone." I said, not liking the sound of that.

"Okay!!" She said.

"By the way, Ian was looking for you." She added.

"What does he want now?" I said groaning.

"I think he is into you." Kat giggled.

"Great." I said to myself.

"Come on. Let's get our makeup done." I said dragging Kat to the makeup room.

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