Dear Babby Response - Health

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Another writing assignment for class 

-xoxo, JT

 Dear Disturbed,

Let me start off by saying that I feel very bad for your partner cheating on you. However, it is very possible that he could have given you a sexually transmitted disease, as they aren't as rare as we would like to think. In fact, 1 in 2 sexually active people has had an STD in 2004. STDs are also very easily and quickly spread if not careful.

As for an action plan, I highly suggest going to a doctor, as it's the only sure fire way to knowing that you're safe. If it itches it could be one of many things that need to be treated with different medications. Also - tell your husband, no matter how awkward that conversation might be. And if you can, please try and contact the person that he had slept with besides you. If they were the cause, then they were the cause; if I were you I couldn't stand the guilt of knowing other people may possibly be hurt.



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