#3) She

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Every one was busy talking and moving and acting like what the rest of us do. But she sat there, reading over code, sitting back from every one, trying to undo a tangle if her friends head phones. She was still, silent, alone.

Although, she wasn't alone. She has two friends sitting in the table in front of her. /they/ were talking away, having a good time, pettily fighting over things that don't matter and she was completely removed.

When the bell rung, she turned off her laptop, grabbed her things and left. She turned and nodded at her friends, still silent. They waved back before hopping off of the table.

She walked differently too. Her shoulders were scrunched over, probably from stress, but she tried to keep her back straight. But everyone else has a turn in their hips or a hop in their step  it looked as if she was trying to not move her hips at all.

I followed her to her locker. The school finally being dismissed. I tried to walk up to her, but the locker was blocked by small communities trying to get to the people that belong to the peoples near her.

"What are you doing after school?" I asked, one the pwople cleared away.

"I have a cello lesson."

"And after that?"


"Well what about tomarrow?"

"I can't, I'm sorry"

She turned and walked away. She always walks away.

The next day she was more social, however I still don't know her name. Today she was laughing, getting into the petty fights with her friends as they had before. Maybe yesterday was an off day?

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