19. behind the curtains

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WARNINGS: public shenanigans, slight choking, swearing, overstimulation

"Since you're apart a lot, how do you guys keep the romance alive in your relationship?"

If there was one question that you absolutely hated, it was that one. If you had a dollar for every time an interviewer or fan asked you that exact question, you'd for sure be a millionaire. Of course, you understood where the curiosity came from. You and Bill were apart quite often, and that did raise questions as to how you both managed to stay close despite the distance that you so often found standing between you.

But you never really knew how to answer, and you didn't exactly want to be honest, because if you were, the explanation would be "well, whenever he's home we have insane amounts of mind blowing sex, we eat a lot of food, and then we have more mind blowing sex."

You didn't think that answer was very appropriate, so the answers you gave were usually cutesy, cliche ones. It caused people to fawn over the two of you, and since you hated being in the spotlight, it made you uncomfortable.

But that was only a small price to pay, and in your opinion, in the end it was all very worth it.

You were lucky that you had such a strong relationship with Bill to where him being away didn't change anything. In fact, it made the times you did get to meet up so much sweeter.

Since booking a role in yet another big movie, he'd been so busy as of late, but he always made time to text, call or FaceTime you during the times he was away. A lot of the times the FaceTime calls turned entirely sexual - not that you were complaining, though.

When he was home, it was even better. You made the most of the time you spent together. You enjoyed one another's company, whether you were doing something as simple as making dinner together or watching a movie.

And, of course, sex was always a given whenever you had him all to yourself. Even if you were only together for a short amount of time, you still made time for it. The prime example of this was when he came home one particular weekend, only for a few days.

He got home late that Friday night, expecting you to be asleep, but you were still awake, for you'd wanted to be there to welcome him when he came in. You were both so sleepy that you went right to bed after he tossed his things aside and rid himself of his traveling clothes, glad to sleep together again.

The next morning, you woke to an empty bed and a quiet apartment. You lay there for several minutes, debating whether you should go back to sleep, or get up and start the day. You settled on the latter, and as you slipped out from under the covers, making your way out of the bedroom, you figured that Bill was probably out getting some breakfast for you both.

Breathing out through your nose, you shuffled into the kitchen, readying everything you needed to make some coffee. Before you even got very far, you heard the front door coming open, revealing a still sleepy, slightly disheveled Bill.

He kicked his shoes off in the entryway before he sauntered into the kitchen, smiling warmly at you. "Hey baby," he murmured, kissing your lips softly. "Are you making breakfast?"

"Just coffee right now," you responded against his mouth. You took notice of the fact that he had not come back with breakfast. By the way he looked, dressed in sweats and out of breath, you guessed he'd gone to work out.

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