12. the blessed dawn of christmas day

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Christmas morning was a morning that brought many sounds. Familiar sounds, sounds that made your heart swell with love and your lips curl into the biggest of smiles.

This morning in particular, your ears were picking up on a few things. First was the sound of your husband snoring softly in your ear, still sound asleep beside you. Second was the sound of not so hushed whispering coming from outside the bedroom door.

"Mm, sounds like the littles are awake," a sleep laced voice murmured against the back of your neck, followed by soft lips ghosting over the skin.

"I'd say you're right," you replied, shifting to face him. There lay Bill, in all his messy haired, rosy cheeked, skin wrinkled from the sheets beauty. He beamed at you before kissing you on the mouth, morning breath and all.

"Good morning, my love," he hummed.

You snuggled deeper into his chest. "Good morning." You glanced at the door then. "Suppose we should unleash the beast," you teased, rising to open the door. With a grin, Bill closed his eyes, pretending to go back to sleep as three very excited little girls bounded into the room.

Bill began to dramatically snore, and squeals of laughter filled the room. "Daddy, Daddy, wake up!" Alyse, your youngest, exclaimed as she jumped onto the bed, roughly shaking his shoulder.

At that point, Bill had all three girls piled on top of him. "You're pretending!" Sanna, the oldest, huffed, folding her arms over her chest.

Suddenly, Bill cracked an eye open, and then gasped. "Wow! What brings you three to my bed so early in the morning?!"

Another fit of giggles, followed by middle child Grace shouting, "it's Christmas!"

"Is it really?! Since when?" Bill asked in surprise.

"Since right now!" Alyse yelled, climbing into his lap and cupping his face in her little hands. Bill smiled at her, his own much larger hands coming up to rest over her own.

"Can we open presents now?" Grace questioned, nearly head-butting her sister as she jumped into Bill's lap.

Viridian eyes flickered up to your own. "What do ya say, Momma?" he asked you.

"Give me a few minutes, let me make sure everything is set up right," you mused, stopping to grab your robe from the bedpost, pulling it on as you headed out into the hall, strolling into the living you.

You stopped to turn on the tree before making sure all the gifts were set out properly, all while listening to the over excited laughter and talking that came from down the hall. You couldn't help but grow a little overcome with emotion.

Since your children had come into your lives, Christmas had gained a new meaning. It was no longer about you and Bill. It was about them, seeing Christmas through their eyes. The joy and excitement it brought them made everything all worth it. There was something so innocent and whole about the way a child experienced Christmas, and even more so with your own kids.

Snapping yourself out of your slight daze, you carried on with your project, spreading out last minute presents, and pausing to smile to yourself when you came across a small, neatly wrapped box, with a tag that read Bill's name. Your tummy fluttered with butterflies. Or maybe that was the little life that now dwelled in there. Either way, you couldn't wait to present him with the gift, because you knew it would be the best gift he'd receive this Christmas.

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