"Hey Matel, I think I caught one for ya man." Another voice of someone I know is not trying to help right now. My heart gives one big pound and I realize I can either freak and wave my white flag or scuff up these walls until I am officially out. I feel a hand grab me and with my right leg I awkwardly kick what I am pretty sure is a face. If I wasn't so afraid I would do more to mentally high five myself.

Something must have kicked in for Iyana as well because suddenly she pulls me up and out of the window with a man's strength. We both fall and I land on top of her. With how thin she is I am afraid I knocked the air out of her. She is breathless and as I look up I see that he is standing above us.

I'm not used to this type of danger and adventure stuff like she is. I am ready to just give up and give in. Luckily, I am the only one of us that feels that way. Iyana sits up and punches him right in the canolies. He doubles over barely having the breath to call her names you could never say in a Church.

I stand up straight, realizing that she has just given us yet another way to further get out of this mess. We don't have to communicate to know that this is our last chance to run to her car and get away. Her car is older and a bit beat up, but right now it looks like a bright and shining way out of here. I see her fidgeting to get her keys out. I wonder if busting open the window is an option. It's probably not but gosh right now it ought to be.

I wonder about what might be happening the girl they were asking about. If she was in trouble did she have anyone there to help her? Should we go back in and help her? There is no time to think about things like that. There is so much at stake for Iyana and I, like our lives. Yeah, our lives are pretty much top priority right now. That girl, whoever she is, is probably fine.

I get in the car and I fear looking back at the house we just escaped from, because I am afraid of the fear I will have if one of them is running towards us. Iyana jams the key into the ignition.

"Put on your seatbelt." I look at her incredulously because I can't believe she would let any moment deter her from following the well-known 'safety first' rule.

"Oh, shut up Kayla." She says with infused frustration at me wanting her to be safe.

My feelings are mildly hurt since I only want to help her, but it's okay. We have just been through a lot. Still, we have bigger things at hand to focus on. The further we get with no sign of anyone from that hell house the more the tension and fright in the car releases.

Iyana lets out an abrupt laugh. I look at her like I am regarding a deranged beast. The volume of it alone jolts my heart beat.

"I am so sorry Kayla, but I am just going a bit crazy after realizing what all just happened. Come on now I am allowed to be just a little hysterical right now aren't I?"

"Yeah, can you tell me why you thought partying with a guy who would give pedo-bear the creeps was a good idea? And why on earth did you think bringing me would be great? Obviously, I was out of my element."

"Oh, come on I can't do things like this without my favorite sidekick."

I'd like to kick her in the side. "He really did not want us to leave. I didn't even see what you did. I just remember you grabbing my head and telling me to run."

"Me? Kayla, you said he looked like something from Alien vs. Predator."

"He does." I shout at her, exasperated.

Iyana laughs hysterically again. This time it begins to rub off on me a little.

"You know I just like to live on the edge. I have one short life and I am not going to play it safe."

"And that is the best way to ensure it stays short." I tell her.

"Oh, Kayla." She shakes her head with that look a mother gives their naïve child. "You're getting better at keeping up though.

"What were you talking to that guy about? Matel was his name, right? That's what I heard the Jessie guy say."

"Kayla." She takes a few deep breaths. "We were just chatting. He saw you and asked if you were Maria's sister. That's when I introduced you and you insulted him, remember.?

"How did he know I was related to Maria? I guess as much as she hangs out that's no surprise. But why did he get so angry? Was it just my comment or something else?"

"Kayla, you didn't see her? She was there with that guy, Jessie."



Alright ya'll let me know what you think. Do you trust Iyana? Have you and your bestie ever gotten into a wild situation like that? What do you think is really going on with Maria?

I'll update this story every Tuesday and Friday so come back to see what these girls get into next.

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