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I felt eyes on us so I smiled about to make his life a living hell.

"You can come to my hotel room an hour after practice." I winked , walking off.

"What was that about ?" Jordan asked me.

"Nothing. Boys being boys."


"Oh I'm sexy

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"Oh I'm sexy." I said to myself, taking a picture in the long mirror they had in my hotel room. I locked my phone and went to the kitchen and made me some homemade macaroni. Once I was done, I made two bowls and heard the door being knocked on. I walked over and looked in the peep hole to see tall ass Klay. I unlocked the latch and opened the door.

His eyes widened and he kinda turned his head, to not look at me. His cheeks became a pink color.

"Umm you don't have pants on ?"

I looked down and looked back up at him.

"So ?"

"Why are you not wearing pants ?"

"Stop being annoying and come in."

He walked in and looked around.


"What ?"

"Your room is better mine with Draymond."

"Probably because Draymond's trash. Here."

"Oh macaroni ?"

"Yep. It's my favorite." I cheesed, laying down on my bed. He stood there, awkwardly.

"Come sit down. I don't bite."

He sat down but relaxed. We ate our macaroni and watched Fast and Furious Five and some other movies.

"I came here to talk to you."

"About what ?" I said, stuffing my face.

"What was that about with Draymond ?"

"Short term memory loss." I lied, pointing to my head.


"On the word seriously , what's up with you and Hannah ?" I said, getting under my covers.

"What do you mean ?"

"So I was in the bathroom and she came up to me and told me you were her concern and I put the pieces together and I'm guessing you guys are a thing ? So is that why you didn't sleep with me ?"

"Me and Hannah aren't a thing."

"Then why-"

"About three years ago, we were in a serious relationship."

"How serious ?"

"I bought a ring serious."


"I thought you know maybe she was the one. One day we made conference and we all went and got drunk. I blacked out that night. I didn't remember a thing. I wake up the next morning and Hannah is in my house screaming at me and throwing shit. I didn't know what was going on. She threw a newspaper at me and told me that she was done with me. I opened the newspaper and it had a picture of a girl on my lap that I don't even remember. I tried to explain to Hannah what happened but she didn't. I had a couple of friends and a couple of her friends tried to help me to explain my side. I even came to her photoshoot and games. Even though I didn't remember, I tried to make it up if I actually did it. I eventually gave up because she had it in her mind that I did. We just broke it off and it's been awkward ever since. I guess she wants to have her cake and eat it too but I'm not with it."

I didn't say anything and nodded my head with a yawn.

"What about you ?"

"I never had a serious relationship."

"How ? Why ?"

"What do you mean how and why ?"

"I just thought as a woman with your success and beauty would have atleast somebody."

"That's flattering but I never wanted anyone. I just had fuckbuddies. Back then, I couldn't even decide on if I wanted to live or not so why would I even have a man ?"

"What do you mean live or not ?"

"Long time ago, I wanted to kill myself. I just wanted to. All my friends were successful in everything they did and then there was me. I didn't feel like I relate to anyone so I felt extremely alone. I fell into a depression that I was able to get out off later on with the help from my cousin and his family and that's about it."

"But why ?"

"When you live a life like mine, you would understand." I mumbled, falling asleep.

America's Bad Girl || Klay Thompson ✔️Where stories live. Discover now