Chapter 5

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Sup dudes, I was even writing this at school, so please enjoy dipshits

Kaminaris pov:

I was in my bed along side with my husband, "sweetie, we should get up, we have lots of stuff to do today" I run a hand through his black hair and stand up, sero growls in response, "come on, I'll make you your favorite breakfast"


Sero jumped up and ran to the kitchen so fast I couldn't even see him, "so adorable" I mumbled walking into the kitchen, I got my cooking stuff and made breakfast for both of us


I was just ready fixing myself up to go out cause my sleeping hair looks kind of like bakugous hairstyle only messier, I gave a goodbye kiss to sero and headed off to the cafe where bakugou and I'll meet up

Bakugou pov:

'WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!' I thought (screaming) to myself, I've been waiti-ing for 10 minutes at this hellhole

*denki runs in trying to get air into his lungs*, "Hey bakugou, sorry I'm a bit late, someone made me stay a bit longer"(sero made him stay for "something"), bakugou grumbled, "you two idiots don't have self control, so lets get to the point, I don't wanna waste my time on an extra like you"

"Alright alright alright lets sit down" denki and I sit down, "so I'll start 7 days before the graduation, but while I talk you can't say anything, alright?",
Bakugou grumbles a bit then nods

"Alright, lets get into it... I remember it like it was yesterday to be honest, I remember waking up and instantly reaching for my phone, I texted a group chat named KHS, in other words kirishimas help squad, the members were mina, momo, tokoyami, tsuyu, sero, tetsutetsu, jirou, todoroki, kirishima and me, we have been texting for a while about a plan we've been working in for a long time, and the included getting kiri's guts to do it, so yeah it were pretty louzy times for us. But then the day came, it was the last day of UA and it was the party, it was the day to achieve the biggest challenge for kirishima, and the KHS was helping him all along" I stopped to get a sip of coffee, I looked at bakugou, he was staring at me with so wide eyes, he was practically desperate to get the info, his eyes looked wider than urarakas, "keep going..." he said, qt this moment he couldn't maintain his rough attitude

"Okay so that day went very slow, we didn't get any classes only training remember? Kirishima couldn't concentrate not for even a second.
And it "party" came and everyone was having a great time and all, the KHS was in a corner table, occasionally sero and me would jump up to dance a bit since we were both a bit drunk, anyway kirishima stayed there with mina, she was giving him courage to do it but then...
Some one yelled that two people were kissing we all looked there, even kiri stood up to see who they were, and it was you and midoriya, we all stared in shock and sorrow, im not saying we didn't want good things for you its just... ok I'll tell you the plan we worked on, the KHS was a group made to help kirishima in finally telling you that he loves you, he had been feeling like this for a long time and that party was the day he would confess, so yeah, he stared at you two with teary eyes then walked out.
And thats when we all saw him for two years, I won't tell you what he did in that time but it's really not that important right now, after he came back he was in a hospital for a few weeks cause of his serious cuts on his body, it was never discovered if it was suicide or he did something really dangerous, we reunited the KHS but now its a group to support kirishima with his sorrow" I finished telling the story, "so this is what you wanted, right?" I sat back and finished my cup

Haha! You'll have to wait for bakus response suckers, I hope it hurts

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