-Chapter 30-

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Yoongi was laying in bed wearing his oversized sweater which ended at his knees. Hair messy and eyes droopy.

He was about  fall into a deep slumber when a pounding on the door made him jolt awake and come crashing off the bed.

'Yoongi open up we forget the keys!' Jimin could be heard shouting.

'Ofcourse...You shit heads I was about fall asleep!' Yoongi shouted walking up to the door and opening it 'I'm about to pounce-'  Yoongi couldn't finish his sentence because there he was...

Taehyung and the others.

Just standing there.

Before they could see Yoongis face properly Yoongi slammed the door right on their faces quickly grabbing his mask putting it on, not forgetting to cover his eyes with his fringe,  then he ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

Soon after a door opened and muffled voices could be hard arguing.
Then the door opened again and closed.
Yoongi sighted thinking everyone left he slid down the bathroom door falling on the cold tiled floor and started sobbing.

'Y-Yoongi?' A voice could be heard on the other side of the door which Yoongi recognized as Taehyung since they have talked on the phone before.

'Taehyung leave me the fuck alone.' Yoongi shouted then quickly muffled his sobs with his sweater paws.

'Yoongi... I saw what she said...' Taehyung said

No response was heard so Taehyung continued.

'Don't believe her that...that photo was old...she's my ex'

'SO WHAT?  Fuck Taehyung... THAT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT YOU... YOU...don't like me the way I do... ' Yoongi muffled the last part but Taehyung still heard it so he smiled.

'Thats the thing Yoongi...I fucking like you so much...but life keeps getting in the way...when you dated Hoseok my heart broke to pieces...just... please open the door...' Taehyung quietly said.

Seconds later the door could be heard opening, Yoongi ran out of the bathroom and held onto Taehyungs waist tightly while snuggling into his chest and sobbing on the floor.

'Shhh... Baby don't cry... ' Taehyung said while playing with Yoongis hair

Yoongi blushed viciouscly.

Taehyung pulled back and frowned upon seeing Yoongi covering his face with a mask and his fringe.

'Baby... I don't care what you look like'  Taehyung said then swept Yoongis fringe away to reveal Yoongis mesmerizing cat-like eyes.
'You're eyes...theyee beautiful'  Taehyung said in awe.

Then Taehyung slowly took off Yoongis mask,  but before he could see Yoongis face he looked down.
Taehyung then slowly took his chin and made Yoongi look up at him.
To say Yoongi is beautiful is an understatement, Yoongi had white milky skin, beautiful lips, eyes and just everything about him was perfect.

'I know I'm ugly...you can leave if you want.'Yoongi said frowning

'No baby you're mesmerizing,  you're so beautiful.'

Yoongi smiled at Taehyung cutely and out of nowhere attached his lips to Taehyungs.

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