-Chapter 13-

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It's Yoongi...he tried committing suicide

As soon as he saw that message it seemed like the world stopped, he only knew Yoongi for a few weeks but he couldn't help but wonder why he did that to himself... 'Is it my fault... I did ask him for a face reveal... Maybe... I triggered something. ..'  I thought

But then my thoughts got interrupted by a loud sound coming from my phone which indicated that I  got a text message.
It was from Jimin once again.

And I know you just wanted a face reveal but you  triggered something...I can't  tell you why... It's not my place to tell you... And Yoongi doesn't know you too well yet... You haven't even talked properly ...

It's okay...

I'll make him trust me...

Seen by ChimGotJams at 7:00 pm

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