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I share this... For when I go missing... As a warning, to everyone out there...

I dated this guy for couple of months, and yesterday, out of the blue he asked me to come over to meet his family. I wasn't prepared, what was I supposed to say, "no"? I didn't have a reason good enough to refuse, besides - "I am awkward with parents". So I ended up going with him.
He lived in this huge house in the end of the town. They have big yard, gigantic pool, garden... Like a mini heaven.
He walked me inside. In the living room, in front of a burning fireplaces there were his parents - hugged tight. His father was reading to his mother, on some other language, sounded like gibberish, but in a creepy way.
  - Father, Mother!
They discontinued their reading and smiled. His father got up first, and held his hand for his spouse to get up as well.
He was huge, definitely 2m tall; it was visible his was muscular, but the age left it's mark on him. His mother was very chubby, but had very warm eyes, compared to his father's stern look.
  - That's my father, Cthulhu. My mother, Idh-Yaa.
  - Hi... - I waved like a total retard.
  - What about me? - a deep voice said from behind us.
  - That's my brother, Ythogtha... I didn't expected to see you here!
  - Well I am finally back for good, Hannibal!
  - I hope so... This is, Eden. My girlfriend.
  - Hi! - he shaked my hand.
He was huge. Not as tall as their father, but was very solid. I kinda got scared.
They set the table and we ate, talked, they asked about me, not in the bad way tho. Their mother was really very sweet.
  - So, will you come with us to R'lyeh this summer?
  - Am... I don't have a pasport.
  - Why would you need one?
  - To fly to India... That's somewhere in there, right?
His brother laughed.
  - Not exactly.
  - Will she?
  - I doubt that... - Hannibal looked at Ythogtha, obviously displeased with his question.
I could feel something was odd. Sudden I felt sleepy, and oddly uncomfortable.
  - Come on, Eden, I will walk you home.
I said "goodbye" and we left. The walk back home was painfully silent.
  - So...
  - I am sorry I dragged you there...
  - No it's fine... My parents are odd too... Btw what's R'lyeh?
He breathed out nervously.
  - Our birth town...
  - Is it nice one? How come you haven't mentioned it...
  - It's a dead... City... Only ruines left... Burned... It's in the dessert, there was an... Accident, natural disaster... I am not quite sure...
  - You don't like it there?
  - I don't like to dwell in the past... And the past is all they have left... I prefer the future... - he said smiling at me, petting my cheek, before I know it, he was kissing me. - Promise you won't go to R'lyeh!
  - Hm... - I chuckled - I won't ... Not than I can go... In India! - I managed to mumble between his kisses.
  - Silly... Promise me!
  - I promise! - I laughed.
  - OK,... - he suddenly let me go and left.
I headed back. My parents were long in the Dream lands, as I arrived. Took a shower and went to sleep.
In my dream I was in a forest, next to a mountain, a wild river... Then the forest ended and I stepped on sand. Walked a little bit more and saw some ruins. They looked so mystical and something was pulling me towards there... Then I headed it again... The odd language that Hannibal's father was speaking... It was coming from the ruins... Pulling me there... Calling me...
  - You promised!
I heard his voice. He sounded sad. I suddenly felt a hand on my left shoulder, pulling me back!
  - Don't go...
His hand was squeezing me do hard...
I suddenly wake up. I felt pain on my shoulder. As I took my shirt of... There were 5 red marks on my skin... Like someone was pulling me...
I screamed... Went downstairs. My parents were still sleeping... There were less than 5 min, that I was asleep. I washed my face and went to bed..
  - R'lyeh... R'lyeh? R'lyeh!
I got up and logged online. Google the damn place... It appeared in some scary games... Then I found some myths:
"... sunken city deep under the Pacific Ocean ..."
"... Coordinates of Latitude 47° 9′ S, Longitude 126° 43′ W ..."
It was also called "The Nameless City"...
I checked on Cthulhu and Idh-Yaa, they were ancient gods. The Great Old Ones ... Like for real, and Ythogtha was their second son, they had 2 more and a daughter...
  - What about...
As I Googled "Hannibal", only Mr. Lecter appeared.
Was he a hunter, a keeper... Protector...
In 6:30 in the morning I finally managed to find it... In one weird Egyptian site. The translation was clumsy, but I got the point:
He was their last child, so faul and filthy. He happened to gain control over his blood relatives and ate his siblings, only his parents and brother left alive. Somehow they manage to capture him... Didn't mention how exactly, but they imprisoned him in a mortal creature's body, as the soul was capable to hold him in...
- Damn...
The only thing able of capturing him were the lost ruins in R'lyeh...
  - That's why he doesn't want to go back... And what am I doing here...?
  - Making me happy, so I won't crush down your world as I did before...
I jumped and looked behind me... He wasn't there... But I could swear I heard his voice... What he meant with "as I did before"...?

Now I fall asleep... No energy left in me... In fear... The voice will come again...

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