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Chapter Forty
TheTalk: Part Two
{ Braxton }

"So you are a Were?" Trace asked curiously.

Mister Carson shook his head, "I've never shifted...nor anyone in my family for that matter."

"Harper found something on Dormant wolves..." I added.

He nodded once again, "I remember when my father told me about it...said his father told him the same thing and so forward...I believe we were Weres once before, fully shifting I mean, but somewhere down the line our genetics got diluted so to speak...someone in our ancestors was a full Were and somewhere down the line they shared a child (or children) with a full human, this made the child Half Were, this Half-Were may have also had a kid with a human making this offspring only one/third Were...again say they had a baby with a full human then you have child that's only one/fourth Were and once more this kid grows up and has a baby now...this baby is basically fully human, but still carried that Were-gene, minimal though it may be."

"What does that mean for any children we may have some day with the girls?"

I paid close attention now...sure Harper and I weren't actively trying to have children at the moment but that didn't mean we didn't want them someday.

But Mister Carson simply shrugged."Well being that you're both Weres...and the girls have a small Were gene you're kids will have the gene, whether they shift or not is still a mystery."

"What about the fact that we're both Alphas." Trace asked.

"Well, it's no secret the Alpha bloodline is stronger, given your strong bloodlines and the girls have even a small amount of Were gene...your children should in theory shift with no problems...actually, being with you Alphas may awaken the dormant wolves altogether."

"How's that possible?" Trace asked more than ethusiastic now.

"Harper mentioned possible extreme circumstances...My cousin and her husband experienced their wolves going dormant once for a length of time...they got into an accident as unfortunate as the accident was, fortunately it was that same accident that restored their wolves so to speak, so they were able to heal and have full control of their wolves again."

"So you're telling me Valerie has to get into a serious accident to bring her wolf out...I'd rather her not have to get hurt and just stay the way she is, I happen to like the way she is now."

I understood him completely, wolf or no wolf Harper was still my gorgeous mate and I'd love her regardless.

"I'm not one hundred percent on the intricacies of it all and i'm not female...but i'd say birthing a child can be quite extreme on the like it or not, I have a feeling the girls will be getting their wolves if you all plan on being parents someday."

I wasn't too certain how I felt about it.

I remembered my first shift, it was horrible and excruciatingly painful...last thing I want is for my mate to have to endure that, even more so while she's trying to push out a baby.

None of us really knew what to say. Soon Valerie peaked her head out the back door, "Dinners ready."

Trace moved to join her but I stayed still "Mister Carson, may I speak with you for a moment."

He nodded silently and waited for Trace and Val to disappear.

"Mister Carson, I wanted to start by personally appologizing."

"Apologizing for what Braxton?" He asked with a little more concern now.

"I have to confess that I've asked Harper to marry me, and she's accepted...but I see now that I should have come and talked with you first...I suppose it's too late for your blessing now."

He smiled a sad sort of smile "While I appreciate your apology it's hardly necessary Braxton...Harper has always known exactly what she wants in life and I have no doubts when it comes to her happiness."

I listened on as he let out a deep sigh.

"It's tough because I know that as she is your mate you will do what's best for the both of you and I have no doubt you will put her first...but just knowing she's my baby makes it a little hard to imagine her being someones wife."

"We're in no rush to tell you the truth...could be a few years before she even starts planning anything...though of course I personally wish I'd be sooner, but I'd never rush her in anything."

He chuckled now, "well that puts me a little more at ease...and as for my blessing, you hardly need it, all I ask is that you keep her safe and make her happy everyday."

"I promise to try my hardest." I nodded.

"That's all I can ask for son."


"Now how about we go in for dinner before my Wife kills us for the food getting cold."

I followed him in and once in the dining room I took a seat next to my mate, I brushed her hand under the table and she looke up at me and smiled, I smiled back at her and together we enjoyed the rest of dinner.

We all talked and to be honest it just felt very natural.

I couldn't help but wonder though, why did he keep his families bloodline a secret?

The girls obviously had no clue as I had to tell Harper everything, what if he would have told her and Valerie growing up about us Weres...things could've been so much easier.

Harper wouldn't have run away from me when I shifted for her the first time.

"Braxton would you like seconds dear?" Mrs Carson asked sweetly.

"Yes please." I smiled.

I watched as Harper's mother left the dining room to get me. More food and I wondered if Mrs Carson is Mr Carson's Dormant Weres have Mates?

Wait does Mrs Carson know about Weres?

I had so many questions and all I really wanted to do was excuse my mate and myself so I could talk all of this out with her.

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