"Let The Right One In" S1 E17

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Anna- I love storms!
Jeremy- Is that a vampire thing? 'Cause I read vampires don't like running water.
Anna- It's only Dracula. Yeah. He was a complete wuss. Never showered. Very smelly.
Jeremy- Seriously?
Anna- First rule about vampires - - - don't believe anything you read.
Jeremy- You gotta tell me more. I gotta know.
Anna- No, you don't. 'Cause you're not gonna be one.
Jeremy- Come on, you can't keep saying "no" to me.
Anna- Look, I'm not gonna turn someone who learned everything he knows about vampires from Netflix.
Jeremy- That's not true, and you know it.
Anna- Why do you even want this? Give me one good reason.
Jeremy- 'Cause I...
Anna- Hmm. Let me know when you can finish that sentence.
Anna- Ok. We have some time I'm not meeting my mom until later.
Jeremy- Wait. Does your mom know your a - - -
Anna- The fact that you'd even think think it's possible to keep something like that a secret from your own family is just further proof that you're not ready.
Jeremy- "Not ready" is a step up from "no".
Anna- And a million steps down from "maybe". I like your bracelet.
Jeremy- Thanks. My sister got it for me.
Anna- Can I see it?
Jeremy- Yeah. Yeah.
Anna- Your sister doesn't know that you're hanging out with me, does she?
Jeremy- No. No. but I don't see why it would be a problem. It's not like she knows what you are.
Anna- I'd like to keep it our little secret.
Jeremy- You know, why don't you - - - why don't you keep this?
Anna- Why would you give this to me?
Jeremy- Because. You like it. And I like you.
Anna- You only like me because of what you want from me.
Jeremy- No. I - - - I like you.
Anna- Um...you know, you should wear it. It looks better on you anyway.
Jeremy- So I have an answer.
Anna- To what?
Jeremy- Why you should turn me.
Anna- We're back to that?
Jeremy- Look, I wake up everyday, and I feel ok, but something's missing. Like
a - - - like a hole. Some people, they       
fit - - - in life or whatever. I - - - I don't.
Anna- So you want a pity turn? I don't think so.
Jeremy- You should turn me because I don't have anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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