"Fool Me Once" S1 E14

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Ben-I told her not I move! I did that eye thing you taught me.
Anna-You forgot the lesson about vervain. She take a vampire venom, duh!
Elena-Who are you? What do you want?
Anna-Doesn't matter.
Elena-Bonnie? Bonnie. Oh my god!
Elena-Oh, you're okay.
Bonnie-My head . . .
Elena-Cone here.
Bonnie-Oh my god. Ben is a - - -
Elena-Shh. They can hear.
Bonnie-I was so stupid.
Elena-No, he had all of us fooled.
Bonnie-What's going on? Why are we here?
Elena-It must have something to do with the tomb and Emily's spell book.
Bonnie-Sell book?
Elena-Damon said that it could be used to open the tomb.
Bonnie-Why didn't I know about any of this?
Elena-I was trying to keep you out of it hoping it would never come to this.
Bonnie-Come to what?
Elena-They need a witch . . . to break the spell and let the vampires out.
Bonnie-No way.
Elena-I know - - -
Bonnie-You're wasting your time. I'm not going to help you.
Ben-That's why she's here. Motivation for you to behave. You know, you shouldn't be to desperate. You made it to easy. She wants to talk to you.
Anna-We'll, well . . . Elena Gilbert. You really are Katherine's doppelgänger. You must have the Salvatore boys reeling.
Elena-Who are you?
Anna-I'm Anna. Your brother may have mentioned me. I mean, we're like practically dating.
Elena-Bonnie's not going to open the tomb.
Anna-Oh, I think she will.
Elena-Do you really want Katherine out that bad?
Anna-Trust me. No one I know wants to see that girl again. Except Damon, the love struck idiot.
Elena-Then what is it? Or who is it?
Anna-My mother's in there. Katherine couldn't help herself. She just had to toy around with both of the Salvatore brothers. And when she got caught, so did my mother. I watched Jonathan Gilbert take her away.
Elena-I'm sorry.
Anna-You really mean that, don't you? Yeah, I think we'll skip the dead mom bonding so you can start serving a purpose.
Elena-Which is what?
Anna-Leverage. This belong to you? Ah, ah. Hmm.
Stefan-Elena, are you okay?
Anna-She's fine, for now. Tell me you have the grimoire and she'll stay fine.
Stefan-I can get it.
Anna-Which means your brother has it. And I have the witch so one of you had better meet me in the very public town square in 40 minutes so we can safely discuss how fun it's going to be to work together.
Damon-Go ahead. Grovel again. Oh, wait, no. I don't care.
Anna-I'm leaving. Keep them buttoned down. Compulsion won't work. Just use violence.
Ben-Right. I got that. Sit. Behave. So you're the key, literally. The one who opens the door. Tell me, how long have you been a witch.
Elena-Is there anything to drink here?
Ben-Are you offering? There's water on the nightstand.
Bonnie-Hey, can I have a sip.
Ben-Whoa!!! Come back in, shut the door.
Bonnie-Don't hurt her.
Ben-Don't make me! Lock it.
Jeremy-Anna! Hey, what, uh, what happened to you last night.
Anna-Sorry, I had to leave. I told your sister to tell you.
Jeremy-Oh I haven't seen her.
Anna-We'll I gotta run, so - - -
Jeremy-Hey, do you want to go to a party tonight?
Anna-Do I what?
Jeremy-The guy that's throwing it is a total douche but its uh, it's supposed to be fun. I figured, you know, safety in numbers.
Anna-So you're finally ready to go out with me, are you?
Jeremy-It's been a while since I've been to a party and I kinda want to get back out there and not be such a loner. And, uh, I like you. You're fun, and you're also kind of strange and lurkey but, uh, I guess I like that, too. So, yeah, you should come to the party. With me. It's in the woods by the old cemetery.
Anna-Oh. It's there, huh? That sounds cool. Uh, I'll meet you.
Jeremy-Uh - - - Ok! Great! Cool.
Damon-Got a hot date or are you just planning on nabbing the entire Gilbert family?
Anna-A party, right next to the old cemetery. Isn't that nice of them? Lots of warm bodies for starving vampires.
Damon-I told you. I work alone.
Anna-Yah, so do I. But yore minus a witch and I'm minus a spell book. So what do you say.
Damon-Stefan will come after you, you know that. For messing with Elena.
Anna-Then he won't be to happy if I kill her when I don't get what I want.
Damon-When do you want to do this?
Anna-God, it's like 1864 all over again. You Salvatores are truly pathetic when it comes to women. Tonight. After sundown. Meet at the church.
Jeremy-Thank God.
Anna-Weird hello, but ok. What's the matter.
Jeremy-Uh, nothing, just . . . it's nothing.
Anna-Come on. Let's walk.
Anna-This place is wild.
Jeremy-You kinda like dead people, huh?
Anna-I'm strange, remember? You ok?
Jeremy-Yeah, yeah. Uh . . . this place makes me think about someone.
Anna-A dead someone?
Jeremy-No, no, just . . . someone I used to know. So, uh, hey. We made it all of what, 37 minutes in that party.
Anna-Not your scene?
Jeremy-No, I'm not really sure what my scene is anymore.
Jeremy-Sk what do you say? You want to be part of my non-scene?
Anna-I would happily be a part of your non-scene except, uh, I'm leaving.
Jeremy-Wait, what?
Anna-Yeah. My mom and I are moving away.
Jeremy-Oh, uh . . . that's - - - that's a bummer.
Jeremy-We'll, yeah.
Anna-So . . . guess this is good-bye.
Jeremy-I guess it is. - - - - - - - Anna, your face.
Anna-It's nothing.
Jeremy-It didn't look like nothing.
Anna-You didn't have to hit him that hard.
Ben-Yes, I did.
Anna-Grab him and let's go. I'm taking him to meet my mother.
Ben-Dark down there?
Stefan-I bought I told you to leave.
Ben-I considered it. Then I thought screw you.
Anna-Hey hero. I'm going down to get my mother.
Stefan-I can't let you do that.
Anna-We'll, Ben's about to make a main course out of Elena's little brother. So you can stop me or him. Your choice.
Bonnie-Hey, you're not going in there.
Anna-You think you can stop me?
Sheila-Bonnie . . .
Bonnie-Why did you let her go in?
Sheila-Because she isn't coming out, baby. None of the are.
Stefan-Do you really think she cares about you? Hmm? You're disposable.
Ben-I don't care. She already gave me what I want.
Stefan-You're going to say "eternal life"? You're really that stupid.
Ben-You know, I've heard about you. You don't feed. You're not strong enough to beat me. Is that all you got.
Stefan-No. I got this.
Elena-Damon? Damon! Ahhh!
Stefan-Where's Elena?
Bonnie-Damon took her inside.
Sheila-Stefan! If you go in there, you won't come out.
Stefan-What did you do?
Sheila-Opening the door didn't remove the seal, it just opened the door.
Stefan-What's the seal?
Sheila-Some seals keep vampires from entering. This one keeps them from . . . coming out.
Stefan-Elena's human. She can leave. Anna and Katherine can't. Damon can't. You weren't even planning on breaking the spell, we're you?
Sheila-I told you. I will protect my own. Elena can get out. That's all that matters.
Anna-You must have a taste for blood. You scream and shriek and even bother to escape , but then you just come right back to it. Oh, oh! Mother! Your boyfriend did this, you know?
Elena-His father did.
Anna-And Jonathan Gilbert. Made a choice a long time ago that it would be Gilbert blood that brought her back to life. I had Jeremy all ready to go, but . . .
Bonnie-Stefan! You can't just leave him in there, Grams!
Sheila-He made his choice.
Bonnie-No. Here. Just tell me what to do. I'll do it!
Sheila-We are not strong enough. Even if we were able to bring the seal down, there's no guarantee that we can get it back up again.
Bonnie-You said it yourself. Many things can fuel a witch's power. Help! Or I'll do it alone.
Elena-Please don't!
Stefan-Go, go. I'll be right behind you.
Pearl-Anna. Where am I?
Bonnie-Elena, Stefan . . .
Elena-He's right behind me. Stefan, what are you doing?
Bonnie-It's gonna be ok. Well fix it.
Elena-What is it?
Stefan-I can't.
Elena-Can't? Can't what?
Bonnie-The spell' still up, we can't get them out. Yet.
Elena-You went in there not knowing if you could come back out? Oh, my god?
Stefan-I heard you scream.
Elena-We can't leave him in there. We promised him, both of us. 
Stefan-I know.
Sheila-Even if we're able to break through the seal, we won't be able to hold it for long.
Damon-She's not here.
Damon-She's not here!
Damon-She's not here.
Elena-I think she working.
Anna-I just wanted my mother back. Jeremy's fine. He's outside, we won't touch him.
Sheila-Bonnie keep going. They better hurry.
Elena-Stefan, they can't hold it much longer.
Stefan-Damon, we need to get out of here.
Damon-It doesn't make sense. They locked her inside.
Stefan-If we don't leave now, we're not getting out.
Damon-How could she not be in here?
Stefan-It's not worth spending all of eternity down here! She's not worth it.
Elena-Damon! Please.
Bonnie-Oh, my god!I can't!
Sheila-Yes, you can!
Stefan-He's ok. He's alright.
Elena-I'm sorry.
Damon-You knee Katherine wasn't in there.
Anna-You wouldn't have helped me. No!
Damon-Why do you get a happy ending?!
Anna-Damon please! You wouldn't have helped me. You know you wouldn't.
Damon-Why do you get it and I don't?!
Pearl-The gaits, the one at the church. The one that locked us in. She promised to turn him. He was obsessed with her. She had him under her spell, like everybody else!He let her go!
Anna-The last I saw her was Chicago. 1983. She knew where you were, Damon. She didn't care. Sorry.

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