Chloe's Leaving

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Jessica leads me to her balcony were we can talk in private

"Everyone is so happy, they made it so far" Jessica says while looking down to her backyard were students are partying

"Yeah, they did" i replied "so what do you wanna talk about?"

"About Chloe....."

I completely froze when she said Chloe

"W-what about her?"

"You still love her.....don't you?"

"Jess, I'm with you now-"

"Corbyn, you may be with me but i can tell you still love her"

"Will you get mad if i say yes?"

"No..." Jess says this time looking at me with a smile

"Then i do still love her.............a lot" i reply also with a smile

"Then go tell her that, not just tell but show her" she grabs both of my hands "Make her happy, like what you showed me. I love you Corbyn but i was blinded by my love to realize that someone else out there loves me more than i love myself. I never even realized that I am in love with him as well. So its time to make this right, and I'll start off with getting you and Chloe back together" the smile on both of our faces grew wider

"Thank you Jessica!" I gave her a big hug "i-i have to get to Chloe"

"You do! And please make sure to bring her here, i know she loves buffalo wings and i got a ton of them"

"Will do!" I ran as fast as i can downstairs to get the squad

"GUYS!" They looked at me with that worried look

"Corbyn! There you are!" Katherine shows me her phone "Chloe just tweeted that her bags are packed, she got into her car and she is leaving today!"

"What? But i thought...." i say

"We did too, she must've decided to leave tonight and without telling us! Such a disgrace!" Cat replied still while looking at her phone

"Actually she said on our group chat that she's leaving and that her flight is leaving at 8" Katherine says then she gets that shocked look on her face "THATS IN AN HOUR AND SHE ALREADY LEFT HER HOUSE!"


We all rushed to the door and hopped as quick as we can to the car

Daniel is driving and I'm in the passenger seat while the rest stayed in the back

"Chloe is not answering any of our call!" ~Cat

"So is mine!" I say frustratingly "Daniel, how far till we get to the airport?"

"Almost there bro" he replies

"Chloe texted! She said 'hey girls! Sorry i can't chat or call you guys right now, I'm waiting for my flight and i don't wanna get distracted and miss it but I'll call ya'll on the plane' ON THE PLANE?! WAITING FOR HER FLIGHT? she's already freaking there!" ~Katherine

"Were here!" Daniel stops the car and we all jump out

"What gate is she in?" I ask

"She didn't say!" Katherine replies

"Then i guess we will have to find out our selves" we all run inside but we were stopped by security

"Hold it! You guys can't go inside there, passengers only especially when you guys didn't go to security check" the guard tells us

"Officer please, we really need to catch up on someone!" ~Jonah

"It'll just take a moment, we promise" ~Jack

"Sorry, I'm just here following rules" he replies

"Ok so do you wanna see this super cool....SNAKE!" Cat throws a fake toy rat at the guard which made him fall "RUUUUUUUNNNNN!"

We all rush inside with like 1,2,3 or maybe 7 security guards after us

"God dammit! If i knew we were running, then i wouldn't have wore my heels!" ~Katherine

"I told you to wear heels more often, we gays do that to get used to it!"

"We have to split up!" ~Jack

Everyone splits up into 3 groups including the guards

Jack and Zach

Cat and Katherine and

Daniel, Jonah and me

"CHLOE!" ~Daniel

"CHLOE!" ~Jonah

"BABE?! CHLO?!" We all keep shouting Chloe even though security is right behind us

Jack's POV
"Security guards are behind us!" ~ Zach

"I got an idea!" We quickly past the food court "grab that water bottle right there!"

We spilled water on the floor and when the cops passed it, they slipped!

Me and Zach were able to get away. Man that was easy, now back to finding Chloe

Katherine's POV

"Bae, do we have a plan?" Cat ask

"Not really, we shoud really just keep running" i reply

"Well i ain't running from a bunch of cops" Cat stops running and takes out something that looks like plastic wrap

She starts putting some on the door that we went in

"Cat, what are you doing?" I'm just standing there like a girl watching her best friend doing something so crazy

"There, now we wait" ~ Cat

Suddenly the guards arrive but got caught at Cat's trap

"See, thats why i always make sure to have all the things i need for any possibility" cat gives herself a nice pat on the back and we head back to find the squad and Chloe

Corbyn's POV

"bro! They're gaining on us!" ~Daniel

"Just keep running!" I responded

We're starting to kinda lose our breath and stop but i can't give up now, Chloe's flight could leave any minute!


We stop and look at logan

"Man bro am i glad to see you!" I say

"go find your girl corbs i got it from here"

"What? No dude you can't handle those-"

"Trust me, i got this"

The guards were getting a lot closer and we were about to book it until logan shots


"YOU DON'T FUCK WITH THE LOGANG!" Suddenly logangsters come in and surround logan making it hard for the guards to get pass

"Now go back to finding your girl Corbyn!" ~Logan

"Thank you so much bro!" We continue to find chloe then we suddenly meet up with the squad

"Corbyn! Chloe texted saying she's at gate 5" Katherine shouts at me

"We gotta hurry! They're already starting to let people in!" ~Jonah

"Then we better leave now!" I immediately started running with them right behind me

(A/N man! Just talking about running in this chapter is making me tired😂)

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