I have a Boyfriend

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Hope y'all enjoy ~Owner

Chloe's POV
Finally it's the end of school.....but it's freaking raining

Cat called me and said that I have to get outside right away!

I don't know why but it sounds serious and it also looks serious cause i see everyone running to the other building

"GIRL! There you are" Katherine calls me as she and Cat grabs me and starts pulling me to the crowd of people

Rain is pouring but they still continue to pull me to the crowd

"GIRLS! Hey! It's raining" I say

"Chlo, you have to hurry" ~Katherine

"What? Why" I ask as we stop in the middle of the crowd, still with the rain pouring

"Look" Cat points at the top of the building where I see.....Corbyn?!

He is standing at the edge and there's a sign around him saying

"Chloe, if you don't accept me.......I'll jump!"

"WTF? Now I know that he has lost his mind" I say

"Chloe! Thank God you're here" ~Zach
i noticed that Zach and Daniel are in front of me while Jonah and jack are up there trying to stop Corbyn

"You have to accept Corbyn now. He really does care about you" says Daniel as the rain keeps pouring on all of us since we don't have an umbrella

"Cmon Chloe, Corbyn is literally getting soak in the rain for you and he is even gonna jump!"~Daniel

"No! That guy won't jump. He is just playing games!" I say

"Chloe, do you not feel sorry for Corbyn?" ~Daniel

"Guys! He's just fooling around. He won't jump" I reply

"CHLOE!" Corbyn calls me from above "if you don't accept me as your boyfriend I will jump!"

"Bestie, I don't think that he's fooling around" Cat says

I start to realize that Cat's right, He's not kidding, he's literally gonna jump

I notice that Jessica came and she was looking at Corbyn with a shock look. She then looks at me and back at Corbyn

"CHLOE!" Corbyn calls me again "ARE YOU NOT GONNA BE MY GF? Fine then! 1!" That made everyone shock and scream "2!"

"CHLOE! Girl! Do something!" Katherine shakes me

"What am I suppose to do?!" I start to hesitate a lot more cause Corbyn is really gonna jump

"3!" Corbyn moves forward


What the fuck Chloe?!

**1 hour later**

I got home and I got my entire family gathered because I came home with Corbyn

"Family, meet Corbyn.......my boyfriend" I say as Corbyn puts his arm around me

"Did she just say?" Kurt (my big brother) ask

"Boyfriend? Yes she did!" Justin (also my older brother) say

"MY DAUGHTER HAS A BOYFRIEND!" My mom yells with excitement

My family always said that they want me to have a bf but I always said that I still haven't fallen for anyone

Even my dad and my brothers want me to have a boyfriend but my brothers just might be overprotective of me

The rest of the day we just celebrated cause hey.......I have a boyfriend now

But this won't last long. Corbyn and I will just be a couple until Jessica is jealous and will get back at him

I can do this! I'll just have to fake being in a relationship with him

That'll be easy...........right?

SHE'S DATING CORBYN BESSON // Corbyn Besson fanfic Where stories live. Discover now